31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 555552 - Text: mark has a serious saviour complex. the way he talks to her is disgusting; she is a victim of circumstance and it's incredibly heartbreaking to see. obviously she is hurting herself and others but this is clearly a cycle of trauma. he is not her guardian nor a therapist. he victim blames in basically every video and i can't understand how he does the job he does, surely caring about these people, and still retains the same attitude. even the title of his videos e.g. 'crack addict' encourages the reducing of these people to stereotypes when his videos are supposedly meant to tackle those assumptions. i understand it is 'necessary' for clickbait but this is more important, he should put only their names so people can learn their stories without subconsciously creating expectations before even clicking on the video. completely ironic

id: 555575 - Text: Uggggh this is soo upsetting I was rooting for her ! Scary that the work mark does is so dangerous in the end it’s sad she could get him very hurt 😕 you can tell she’s too scared to even speak in this video😢 I wish she would speak up Keep going strong she was doing soo good it seemed 😢

id: 555586 - Text: Smh! Her body language in this video is very telling especially when the boyfriend was there. I feel like deep down inside she knows she fucked up a good thing and is disappointed in herself.

id: 555630 - Text: Not even a damn I'm sorry? Not even a damn thank you? Fuuuuuck all that 😤 this video really pissed me off honestly. Mark you're an incredible person, since a lot of people don't say it, THANK YOU for your generous nature, for your kind and warm heart and your willingness to do for others and help people the way you do or at least try to. Love you so much, you really are such an incredible human. 😭

id: 555661 - Text: This is really sad. Especially since in the last video she basically said Mark was her only real friend… it’s just really sad

id: 555663 - Text: So sad - I was thinking the update would have shown her getting rid of some of those gang face tattoos that she got from pimps. She's got such a presence and is smart and pretty, and young enough to start anew. I guess the writing was on the wall when she didn't change her phone number. Even in the 2nd video she said she was getting a lot of pressure from pimps. There's no way she could have escaped that life with those guys on her back. May God help her and those two little boys.

id: 555709 - Text: That was painful to watch. It's unclear to me if the guy in the video, Fly, is the father of both her kids, and if he had been in the picture at the time of the previous videos. It reminds me of lessons we all learned half a century ago, in wake of Lyndon Johnson's The Great Society. Microcosm vs. macrocosm, sort of. That is we learned how poorly we understood human nature. Other people can say better what I would like to say. I used to read The Public Interest. `They [Irving Kristol, Nathan Glazer, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, and Daniel Bell] had all voted for Lyndon Johnson in 1964. They were confident that government could end poverty. In the first issue [of The Public Interest], Moynihan celebrated the triumph of macroeconomic modeling: "Men are learning how to make an industrial economy work." James Q. Wilson recommended a negative income tax for the working poor, figuring the way to end poverty was to get money to the needy. Kristol and others believed that with the passage of the Civil Rights Act, blacks would be integrated into society like the immigrant groups the writers had studied. `But the war on poverty did not go smoothly. All the indicators of social breakdown rose: divorce, out-of-wedlock births, violence, crime, illegal drug use, suicide. In 1968, Moynihan published an essay called "The Crises in Welfare," lamenting the explosive growth of the welfare rolls and the problem of dependency. `So the contributors to The Public Interest tried to figure out what was going wrong. An early piece of evidence was an essay written by James Coleman on education reform. Coleman found that the objective inputs into schools -- pupil-teacher ratios, the money spent per pupil, the condition of the buildings -- had little effect on student achievement. Instead, what mattered was family background and peer groups. To the extent that schools could change things, it was the ethos of the school that was crucial: Are expectations high? Is there a nurturing -- and disciplined -- culture? `It occurred to several of the editors that they had accepted a simplistic view of human nature. They had thought of humans as economically motivated rational actors, who would respond in relatively straightforward ways to incentives. In fact, what really matters, they decided, is culture, ethos, character and morality.' -- David Brooks

id: 555728 - Text: Her hoodie says HOPE and has butterflies... butterflies are symbol of transformation!!!! She needs A LOT of therapy and mark needs guidance, someone that knows the streets to help him recognize bad pattern early on . Everyone in the video is a victim😞 specially the kids wow the kids.

id: 555763 - Text: i also feel as though this video is humiliating, to her and it’s just not ok

id: 555764 - Text: Mark you’re i feel that this video should have not been uploaded in a way. This is something that ya should have talked about in private. You’re a good person you helped her. It’s time for her to do for herself.
