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id: 484471 - Text: Her real Instagram page is @itsquinotque_ all those comments saying she didn’t get her money & he had sex with her are lies from a fake page . She’s doing good & living a good life. She didn’t make this up smh Shame on u assholes

id: 484514 - Text:  @TonyGonzales  how's it an accusation? He stated that Kelly/Quiera posted on Instagram that Mark had sex with her.... I honestly re-read that comment 5 times just to make sure he wasn't flat out "accusing" Mark of anything that Kelly/Quiera already said.

id: 484532 - Text: Cavaisha Lancaster this dude is a mfkin creep. Why would he love your comment?! “She just posted that you used her for sex didn’t give her the money smh” Out of all the love and support in the comment section for Kelly, he chose to place a heart on this one? What in the fvck. Uh uh. Somethin ain’t right.

id: 484549 - Text:  @intelligenceissexy3733  I agree with you. If you'd read the comments I'd posted not so long back you'd of seen the info I'd added to debunk this. I tend to give this channel a very wide berth as it's damn right exploitation in some instances. After I watched the video on a young woman named Amanda in which you could see she didn't have the ability to consent. The guy who has this channel seems to derive pleasure from the suffering of fellow human beings along side his 'God complex' plus the fact he is profiting from suffering.

id: 484622 - Text:  @cavaishalancaster1792  you said she posted on instagram that he was using her for sex.

id: 484641 - Text: There’s so many evil people in the world. There’s no reason for anyone to not believe her story. There’s a book called “A piece of cake” it’s by Cupcake Brown she wrote a book about her life as a young girl in the foster system of Los Angeles and how she got into drugs,gangs,prostitution,etc. She talks about a lot of sexual abuse by many of her foster parents and being a teenager on the streets of Los Angeles. Her parents died so she had no one. She eventually became a lawyer but her story is like so many here on this channel. Horrible things do happen. It’s not just in the movies. I wish “Kelly” all the best!

id: 484859 - Text: The Foster Care Is Organize Child Sex Trafficking

id: 484965 - Text: It’s absolutely sickening how many foster parents she had and how they were mostly all physically and sexually abusive. What the hell is the screening process for foster parents?! This is ridiculous

id: 485009 - Text: Jesus this killed my soul💔💔 I have a daughter age 11 soon 12 recently her dad instructed her to start disrespecting me and she punched me in the face , she was told by her father that she can live with him and his new wife , both him and the woman fight constantly and had so many kids in a short period of time , paying child support for my daughter is something that triggered them , they started a campaign against me from the time they got together, 3.5 years as my kid is growing is getting difficult for me to control the brainwashing their are doing , they told my daughter I only had her for money as if one kid can make a woman rich by getting child support by a man that only work minimum wage , I was with the man 10 years earned 3 times more than him but the lies their are feeding my daughter with is confusing her even with her living 70 % with me and go to his 30% the evil is winning her more than the good I show her 💔 8 weeks ago after me telling her off for not coming straight home from school she called her father and both lied to social services that I beat her up she is sooo disrespectful spoiled rotten by me I can’t get her to leave tiktok or playing games online, recently found sexual things she is learning that scared me spoken to her told me mama I won’t do again but since her father( white English) went with her complain about me with lies she is at his home until August I having seeing her since feb the 14 😭😭😭💔 been to court as we have a court order but with lies he fabricated with her so he can escape child support the judges told me they are doing a section 7 on me to find out of my abuse to my child , I never beat her up in my life she is becoming unstoppable she herself tells me if u get close to me after her throwing a remote control in my eye , I was trying to catch myself I was crying like a child she started shouting if you get closer to me I will leaveee your house💔😫 and you will cry for me she knows I only have her and she is my world . Father don’t discipline her if I try it gets twisted. I might lose her even tho no evidence of me abusing her will be found anywhere, she is the most luckiest girl I know are her circle of friends, from designer clothing holidays to Africa and Europe that I pay all for us 2 . I worked always in high end luxury boutiques since I was 19 , her revengeful father cheated with a neighbour she knocked and told me infront of him , he begged and cried to stay with us in the house . Claiming he want to see our daughter grow( didn’t think that before cheating) I left him stay 4 years in my sofa guys😱never wanted to leave would cry everytime I said u must start looking. My God finally managed to get him out and he’ll opened from that point. He doesn’t return my daughter on my days claims she is sick , blocks me , don’t pay a penny to help , since met another woman , my daughter could go astray my heart breaks sometimes I fill I will have a heart attack I stopped working in my amazing job , , I have a channel that I tried to grow for years but because of his cheating and abuse I stopped for years , tried restart court battles started , I can’t focus I am scared my daughter’s life is will be very difficult and different to what should be just because her father couldn’t win me back , he does not measure how far to go to hurt me even if that is her not having a Mother! I saw this video I couldn’t cope to hear This Tragic Life . I pray that God will save you comfort you , you will be a Lawyer you have within you a Great one at That. 💡 and peace . Blessings from UK from An Angolan woman❤️🙏

id: 485063 - Text: Why would anyone have sex with an 11 year old
