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id: 485887 - Text: Men and their libido and sexual desires lead them to do truly disgusting and dangerous things to women no matter their age. Honestly, a lot of men in society who commit these vile sexual acts need to be chemically castrated.

id: 485967 - Text: I love how he said he will bring her Christmas dinner & a present shit made me cry so bad , but that very small smile it gave her you can tell it meant so much to her god bless her & I pray that she’s doing 10000000x better today I hate to see women in pain especially due to sexual trauma my mother was molested when she was young & her family did nothing about it I think about the dude that did it all the time I hope I see em

id: 486080 - Text: I had a violent person do all kinds of sexual violence to me when I was six. I can relate. But you. You are a warrior.

id: 486147 - Text: Kelly, just want to tell you I care. You seem like a smart caring girl and you are not alone.. God has a plan for us and especially those of us who have been through the trauma of sexual abuse

id: 486177 - Text: I have learned through these videos that there are no shortage of men who will have sex with anything, child or animal. Depravity knows no bounds. My heart and soul aches with disgust that this abuse can happen in this world. This girl is precious and needs to be validated as a human being.

id: 486402 - Text: When I was in the Army a rabbi told me never go to a prostitute. He said when someone has intercourse with someone else, there's a transformation. And it will not be to one's advantage having sex with a prostitute because they've been abused as children and do not have a favorable attitude towards men. He said all I would be doing is adding to their problems and the afterward results from such an experience will not be beneficial. I would say he's not wrong because I've known men who go to prostitutes and I do not see it as an improvement in their lives.

id: 486444 - Text: Pedos happily use the system as a method of gaining access to vulnerable youth and taking advantage of them sexually. They also get paid to do so. Foster care agencies have a duty to mitigate the risk of sexual abuse within a foster home. This is done through extensive background checks and candidate screening. It is also accomplished through ongoing contact with the child, as well as the foster parent. Agencies fail to meet this duty for numerous reasons, including overworked social workers and understaffing. There are too many kids without homes. The system is broken. Humanity is broken. :( Death penalty for all pedos.

id: 486538 - Text: My partner and I plan on fostering children someday exactly because of these issues we see in the foster care system. We even want to adopt some older children out of foster care as they don't usually get adopted out the older they get. I am a stripper working my way through college and I can't tell you how many girls I meet who have or are being sex trafficked and have the same backgrounds as this girl. Its happening everywhere all the time.

id: 486671 - Text: The workers are even worse than the parents sometimes and are often people who have gone through similar tragic events. They will also lie about children's behaviors and pasts just to get kids placed. They take no responsibility for kids getting sexually abused in the homes that they "check" every so often. Foster parents can attack children and just take a class or two and say sorry to continue their licenses. The judges and laws lean way too much toward bio parents as well, making it difficult for the non-abusive foster parents to adopt or make long-term impact on the kids. Parents can beat their bio kids' faces in, rape them, and still get them back a couple years later, even if the foster parents are kind and the kids are thriving in a much better environment.

id: 486691 - Text: The nyc foster care most definitely is part of the trafficking that's going on! It most certainly appears that way I've heard stories of them even having males who have molested kids working there and they are known for leaving children in known abusive situations they will leave children they know are being abused sexually abused and then they will try to take kids thats nit being abused by their parents they will purposely try to take those kids like if the kids not going to school or something they will try to take those kids and put them in the foster system and the family's fighting to get them back they will try to take children that's not being abused try to make a false case of abuse to put them in the system to be abused!!! Their sick sick sick!!!!! It's disgusting how they operate they are definitely the problem! And it honestly needs to be shut down!! It does more harm then good! They are disgusting!
