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id: 486709 - Text: she is NOT a prostitute she is a sexually abused women

id: 486952 - Text: Same. What grown adult looks at a baby and thinks about sex or to hit them. Abusers should be hung by their Nuts in the center of a city, physical abusers need to be beat to death by other fathers.

id: 487015 - Text: I am currently a 14 year old black girl in the US and I think I’ve experienced something that I don’t really know.So,early this year just when I turned 14 a 19 year old man on Instagram contacted me and kept saying how I was so beautiful and he loves me and asked me to date him.Im still dating him it’s been 5 months now and throughout that time it’s only been long distance.During that time that I was dating him many other guys 20-23 also contact me and one asked for me to add him on WhatsApp and so when can have some “fun” with him and other people.(Keep in mind I’m only 14 and these people think I’m 15-17.Still under 18.)One time he video called me I accepted and he went straight to showing me his dick and him masturbating and saying he wants to have sex with me.I only showed him my chest and up(fully clothed).After that day I cried thinking I’m a hoe or something for doing that.My boyfriend is different from them and wasn’t looking for sex or hookup but for a relationship.IDK even know how to handle this situation anymore.What is this?What do I do??

id: 487230 - Text: It’s pisses me off to hear people are sick enough to have sexual pleasure from children and babies. God protect these children I have daughters and it bothers me mentally to hear the stories of these survivors

id: 487315 - Text: 24 foster homes..abuse...sexually molested..and she speaks like a young school girl speaking about a strange book she read 🥺🥺

id: 487337 - Text: 24 different foster homes?! The system is broken and there's no excuse for it! Anyone who is supposed to be helping a needy child, but uses them for sex needs shot! I'm so angry after hearing her story. 😠 Sending her hugs and prayers ✌️🙏 I wish nothing, but the best for this beautiful girl.

id: 487532 - Text: She is the reason why I think its selfish for me to have a baby, there are so many babies out there being abused in the system, mutilated , neglected, abandoned. They are gods precious gifts, far too many to think I want only a baby with my blood & looks. Cant wait to adopt a child in need left for dead, cause to have no one just because they are not blood related is ridiculous. EVERYONE goes by that mentality & it's so close minded and not compassionate at all. I know what it's like to not be treated important by everyone just because we are not blood related, we are all brothers & sisters and I pray for her life to be better and she could save her soul because spirits are real. Evil sprits or good spirits transfer during sex, a piece of them is then in you ... can you imagine how much sex ties she has with countless men ?? I pray in jesus name that her & kids with similar situation can be blessed & saved amen

id: 487534 - Text: So foster parenting is a ploy for sex trafficking and child torture .every child in the system has been seriously abused. Wtf is america

id: 487605 - Text: She no doubt went thru some shit. But there is also finessing going on here. Her mother did state she saw the video but she did NOT call her daughter a liar. She did NOT deny her daughters story. And the thing with Mark having sex with Kelly (Quiera) and her then deleting the comment is just too fvcken weird. If she was abused and is now doing what does for more money then...fvcket. I ain’t gone judge her. First listening, I hurt for her, then finding all the links and reports of her lying coming from the kids she went to high school with, I was convinced she lied then actually seeing her mom and her moms fb, and her mother not denying the abuse... I’m now right in the middle. The grey. To those who believe her then believe hard. To those who don’t, just keep it respectful. Quiera no doubt has been thru some shit.

id: 487626 - Text:  @intelligenceissexy3733  you do realize she gets money from prostitution or her pimp might have paid for it. Secondly maybe she didn't want to go by her real name to avoid getting too much attention and simply didn't want to put her real name out there
