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id: 556361 - Text: Totally agree. I saw this in a previous video's comment and I think it's important to reiterate: change isn't easy. Often times with women who go through what she's been through, change (even if its good change) is associated with pain and uncertainty. She has to be willing to remind herself each and every day why she's doing what she's doing until she believes it in her soul.

id: 556401 - Text: This episode was proof of how people find excuses to justify their behavior.. here was a lot easier because Mark gave her all the excuses.. she didn't have to said much... Many have a delusion of being about that live.. don't tell me your alliance is with the Crips now because you're dating "one" but your ex was a blood 😂😂 you can't make that stuff up.. you don't have to be gangsta to know that dose no make any sense..IF the gangs today still living by the codes..I believe this dude is affiliated with any gangs which is Good! Is not looking like there's away to prove it.. I can said here I'm affiliated to MS13 and you better believe it.. lots of this videos are full of delusion.. because is entertain and probably fascinate more than the story of a broke ass person who became a Doctor.. is crazy to think this people will get thousands of dollars .. to keep on doing the same thing..and they ended up being justify..

id: 556428 - Text: Hey mate, i'm writing to you from italy where i work as a tutor (mentor maybe? don't know exactly in english) for guys with bad family stories or some kind of mental illness. I was impressed to see how her eyes where sad in the first video and full of hope (and like a child sometimes) in the second. Her posture in this video and her eyes are speaking of a big fight inside her . This is the story of her life and sometimes we can oly walk with them for a while. U did a great job and same did her. I think she tryed and did her best. Good luck for you job and good luck for her .

id: 556473 - Text: I think she's resigned, scared out of her mind. I don't think she's much to blame here... the gang found her bc of the videos, claimed her, probably threatened her. It's a gang for crying out loud... she's smart and strong and resourceful you can't tell me this dude rolled up and she was like yah sure! take my money, my hope and my future. She should move, change her number, maybe get police involved. she has to know she's worth it!! The fight is worth it! Jesus, with that kind of money she got from Mark she could just immigrate to europe or something. Get far far away from everything, start over with those kids of hers who she so obviously really loves. I think she's wrapped up in something terrible and dangerous.

id: 556509 - Text: During the 2nd video Mark noted to Asriah that usually folks who were at a tipping point like she was would falter because they didn't believe they deserved a better life. It sounds to me that, in this case, Mark's prediction was correct (sadly).

id: 556524 - Text: I'm actually really worried for her safety now that this video is out-like, because it's out. Anyone feel the same way?

id: 556535 - Text: Mark, me and you are generous, caring guys in this world. I like the work you do and the videos you produce. These people have to help themselves. Don’t try to think you can throw money at these subjects and their problems will just go away. I’d say these people are in their mess because of mostly bad personal choices as well as unfortunate circumstances. I just wouldn’t waste my hard earned money, energy or time on people who won’t improve their life when they could care less about you buddy. Happy New Year to you sir! Keep up the good work. It’s nice to want to help others in need. However, we can’t help others who don’t want to help themselves. Not an opinion. That’s just a fact.👌🏻

id: 556569 - Text:  @petitlutin9341  The guy got her a new phone, apartment away from those people and a car. She had to reach out that guy, because it sounds like Mark thought of everything to try an disconnect her. She probably played him, none of us actually know her just by watching 30min of video. People need to realize that not all these people want to change and some will say anything to get money or what they want. I guess we’ll see which kind of person she is.

id: 556586 - Text:  @vinvinaske  She thinks that people coming across these videos for the first time will feel sorry for her and try to send money.

id: 556615 - Text: He’s such a jerk ! Lol he thinks he’s smooth ! Wtf is his purpose in making this video ? To help her ? No ! He is validating himself and he says he doesn’t want to put words in her mouth ? Omg ! He wants to feel good about himself . He has serious issues ! This is disgusting! I pray God set her free from the bond that he has over her , Lord rebuke Satan and may no harm or evil come against her ! Protect her and bring her peace and reveal your love and comfort her , I pray this thru the blood and the name of Jesus.Christ . amen . Thank you !
