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id: 487633 - Text:  @intelligenceissexy3733  Ok, people lie. That happens. What about all the other interviews?

id: 487691 - Text: mfSIPIO Reacts there’s no such thing as “trafficking yourself” and the only thing i got from your comment is you shaming sex workers

id: 488107 - Text: I ran away when I was 11 and got pregnant with my daughter at 14 but I luckily did not suffer any of these violent traumas. I can’t believe how lucky I feel. What a fucked up way to view our world. I’ve been stripping for 22 years now. It feels like all of the women I grew up around were sexually abuse. We need stronger online networks to support each other. My heart is aching to help

id: 488136 - Text: LOCURA She was not lying. People who claimed she was lying is because her name was changed but that was done purposely to protect the identity of sexual assault victims. And that video is not credible at all. This explains everything into perspective:

id: 488338 - Text:  @intelligenceissexy3733  There's no evidence in the video you linked for any of those claims.

id: 488340 - Text:  @intelligenceissexy3733  How has she been exposed? Has she admitted to lying? Has she been found to have been employed or housed at the time of her first interview with Mark? Pictures of her smiling with family don't prove that she was lying.

id: 488607 - Text: "When Someone Shows Who They Are, Believe Them The First Time."- Maya Angelou. My dear sister, I am sorry that we as a human race have failed you. You haven't asked for any of it, haven't deserved any of it, and yet even at the age of 21 you have beard all of it. You asked for education and to learn about the world around you. Instead we showed you the streets. Filled with the horrors we ourselves couldn't clean up. You asked for parents, we gave you rapists and child molesters. To scar and tear down that which Jah himself created. You say you "get angry for no reason", yet there is no greater reason to be angry. Please forgive us my young beautiful black sister, not as a county, a city, a state, or a country. Please forgive us as a Human Race for failing you. So even if you can't live for yourself, please live for us. So that one day, we will learn not to fail you. Sincerely, A Grandchild Of Sexual Abuse.

id: 488653 - Text: Right? Idk how a 5 year old can be REMOTELY sexually attractive to anyone. Disgraceful.

id: 489034 - Text: Women sexually and physically abuse children also. You shouldn't trust anyone with your children.

id: 489050 - Text:  @billionkek  But there are some who do and its wholely unfair not to let them based on their gender. That's like the definition of sexism
