31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 556739 - Text: Powerful messages throughout this video. The nonverbal communication is saying so much its hard to find somewhere to start. One thing I can't help but wonder is if she had changed her number would this be a different situation. Life is empirical and living so close to Los Angeles its hard to fathom how different life can turn out. Ultimately the kids deserve better.

id: 556757 - Text: "You could blame the rich for not sharing their wealth" I'm trying to figure out how this solves anything. To make someone else financially responsible for the poor choices of others is mind boggling to me. Money isn't going to solve it, this video is a prime example of why.

id: 556772 - Text: I really hope you stay true to your word Mark. You did far more for this girl than anyone else would have and she hustled you from the jump. Her showing zero remorse in this video really gets to me. I've been down, completely broken. Rock bottom, addicted to heroin and cocaine. Fucked some great people over that were trying their best to help me. But whenever I was called on my bullshit I would breakdown emotionally. I knew how badly people wanted to see me get better and I always felt like a giant piece of shit when I let them down. She doesn't seem to care at all! On to the next sucker. What a shame.

id: 556795 - Text: Man these videos really show us how deep, dark and messy the streets truly are. God bless you Mark for who you are and what you are doing with this channel. You have a heart for people that’s evident in every session. I was rooting for this girl (still am, won’t give up on her) and heartbroken to see that she slipped back into that broken world. Really hope and pray she gets another chance to get out and takes it for her and her children’s sake. Come on girl, we believe in you! You CAN do this. You are STRONGER than you know 🙏🏼❤️

id: 556828 - Text: Watch the Equaliser. This girl couldn't escape even if she wanted to. She can make him more in a week than most ppl make in a month. They gonna F her up for this video too.

id: 556906 - Text: I noticed a few things from this clip A. Mark, don’t feel bad at all, you see potential in human beings which is such a gift and the type of character we need in this cold world. You’re amazing and selfless and we all saw and still see potential in her. B. Idk if this dude met her after seeing her getting the attention and help for her and her kids and thats why he decided to get with her. He mentioned that the money is going to him and the kids ( which i highly doubt the kids are getting any of the money) THEN he mentioned Asriah last , instead of saying that the money if for her and her kids first 🤦🏾‍♀️. C. I noticed Asriah doesn’t have alot of people that care for her in her life , so she only knows the street life and still hangs around those people because thats all she ever knew and knows. I even mentioned in a comment when the second video of her was posted, i said “ I really hope she gets far away from all those people she associated herself with because once they see these videos they’ll either want to hurt her or rob her because they don’t want to see her doing better in life, or they will take advantage of her and her vulnerability. I also notice that the reason why she is more closed in and less social is because I see alot of shame and guilt .. she knows how much you’ve helped her and she realizes she fucked up and she’s probably too scared to really leave the gang/hood people and the fact that this guy is showing his bare face of video means he’s a clout chaser and is using her too … She grew up in that lifestyle, it would take alot for her emotionally and mentally to try to live a “normal” life and meet better people. She needs therapy and to move far FAR away from those people for her to do better for her life. Its easy for us to say “ she has the money and support”, but mentally , its very very hard for her to live a “normal” life away from the gang/prostitution lifestyle.

id: 556918 - Text: Sat first I thought he seemed more like prisoner trapped into this “life” because of this other dude that came into the video towards the end. However, anyone who has been around real pimps or money managers know off top he a real pimp would have told mark straight up it’s none of his business about the money. But that cat don’t seem too confident, hopefully she isn’t lying but man it sure does seem like she fell back. Shame

id: 556922 - Text: Mark been watching your videos for a while and I love them thank you for helping some of these people but you can’t help someone who don’t want help. If someone really want to get away they will cut ties with people but loyalty to get better is key

id: 556930 - Text: I have first hand experience watching someone like her. I remember in the first video with her people commenting, “she so pretty, I hope she gets out”. Many people watch these kind of women talking about their abuse, but don’t understand what a big part they play in driving their life down a hole. Watch as she sits there not understanding the huge way she just used someone trying to help her. They are so wrapped in their own self. It’s part of their thinking. She might cry for her children. But that doesn’t mean she can give of herself to them. How absolutely disgraceful women like this bring children to the world. It a crime. Who will protect those children? Extremely horrific what these people do and continue to spread their poisonous lives to future generations.

id: 556932 - Text: Tbh I’m not sure what is going on here. I don’t know why they’re doing this interview, especially sharing info such as their names and what gangs they’re part of. Giving out $2000 a day, even just $400 is a RIDICULOUS amount of money, even for someone who’s working full time as an engineer! Many people would have trouble not taking advantage of that (and you put her in the perfect position to do so), and it would instantly zap any motivation they might have had to work for something in life. I watched some of the other videos and got the vibe that this girl didn’t choose on her own to turn her life around, she was sort of going along with it. I’m reminded that you can’t help someone who doesn’t want help, nor can you expect someone who’s lived their whole life one way to just wake up the next and start doing things differently (on the topic of not hustling). That’s all to say, the situation sucks but how could it have turned out any differently? I know the intentions were good though. Maybe this is a lesson on how to do things differently next time? I feel like the focus should be on education and job training (maybe that was part of it, I’m not sure) with little to no money just being handed out if that’s possible. Anyway, that’s my opinion on the situation, if anyone agrees or disagrees I’d be interested to hear their thoughts
