31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 556945 - Text: She look embarrassed or really irritated when fly was talking. I feel for her since the jump and wish that she watches her interview videos and reads these messages. A lot of hope and inspiration she brings. I hope she get a get a good look and get back on her A-game of better herself and situation and get out fr fr. I still believe in her and hope she stays strong and get away . You can do it beautiful!

id: 556958 - Text: I said on her last video she wasn’t ready I could tell

id: 556960 - Text: Mark sounds like he feels quite betrayed in this video, as he should. And, he's doing the right thing by cutting her off otherwise he just becomes an enabler of the bad behavior.

id: 556970 - Text: Pausing at 3:26 on this video just finished watching the first 2. I have to say in the 2nd she showed a lot of hesitation I sensed she was having a hard time trying to make the fairy tale life come true. It’s difficult to raise children on your own without sitters etc. Perhaps her life prior though dangerous was more exciting & reality was not as exciting. I could tell you were trying to hold her up & she was already in the slide. I feel bad but she was given a golden opportunity that one rarely gets. I know it is hard but sometimes duty must be held higher than self pleasure or the easy way out. She seems very uncomfortable, guilty, & knows she let people down. Damn that idiot that came into her life to turn it upside down. Again life is short - what legacy if any will you leave.

id: 556981 - Text: I know people don’t change over night but I was really hoping she was doing good in this video smh

id: 556989 - Text: This is so heartbreaking. I just think back to the last video where you asked if she had any friends and she just said “you”. You could tell she genuinely felt a closeness to you, but at the end of the day sometimes people don’t see past what’s in their immediate field of view. She saw a means to get paid right then and there and did not consider the value of getting out of the life and what it would mean for her future. It’s tough though when you’ve never been able to truly trust or count on anyone or anything. Just constantly in survival mode.

id: 557044 - Text: I knew when I watched the first video he was gonna be tryin to "save" her. He wanted so bad to make her his wifey. Shes never gonna be faithful bro. Shes not about that life.

id: 557056 - Text: Damn this was the hardest break up video to watch.

id: 557090 - Text: thousands of dollars for these idiots????? really??? they fucked you Mark!!! Why don't you spend your money where it matters? 300 -400 dollars a day? you can feed an entire village in some countries with this money. And you give it to these idiots so that they can buy expensive cloth and drugs??? Of course, it's your money, you earned it, and you can do whatever the fuck you want with it. But I really lost respect for you and your work after seeing this video.

id: 557095 - Text: Not a great video to show if you want to encourage your viewers to donate their hard earned money to help girls like the subject in the video. I'd be really livid if I found out money I donated to help an ex-gang member single mother actually went into the pockets of a low life gang member pimp. Lucky for me, and not so lucky for lurking gang member pimps out there, I'm too broke to donate anything. Phew!
