31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 557112 - Text: Damn. This one was a Heartbreaker. It seemed like she was really on the right track. I just can't imagine how difficult it is for a girl like her to change up & leave EVERYTHING she's ever known to live , secluded in the mountains with nobody. You know it's gotta be impossible for her to make normal friends and start a normal life with her tats and crap. That's not fair, but it's life. No one to talk to, everyone staring all the time, and nothing to do but sit their and be in her own head. Idle hands are the devils plaything. She makes one call, one day when the loneliness overwhelms her and thats all this dude needs to not only get her back to the old life, but get her to take this unbelievable, life changing opportunity she has and turn it into his own payday. Her entire demeanor is completely different from the other two videos. Just the look on her face, especially when dude steps into the video, it's heartbreaking and disappointing. This just shows it take more than money and a change of location to fix this problem. She needs education, or some type of career opportunity that puts her in different circles. Then she can truly change her life.

id: 557117 - Text: I don't know who this interviewer is. You can hear the fear/frustration in his voice. Only have seen this video and one other of this girl. Was a CO for many many years. Had so many stories I could tell this man. It really upsets me to see how this guy appears to be trying to help her but I can pretty much guarantee it isn't going to help. They are playing this guy if the guy is genuine. I'm sitting here listening to the amount of money going to this operation and here I sit in subsidized housing having been a good hard working human my whole life. I don't even have a working car. I live off of my SS disability. I can't quality to purchase a car. Seeing this really aggrivatess me more than you know. Reminds me of when I was an X officer trying to help a kid who had spent 17 years in prison for murder. How everything I did for him and his GF was for nothing. Yet there are good people like myself that have given their whole life doing good for others and no one has ever helped me like that. The ones that really need help are sitting quietly at home doing everything right. You never hear about us. My suggestion to this guy is to let these people go. Let her go. Find someone that will appreciate the help. Man....sorry but this is disgusting. Good luck dude whoever you are.

id: 557119 - Text: Where the hell is he getting all this money to help these people .....surely this can't be just from charity and monotized videos on YouTube????

id: 557171 - Text: I still can't figure out if she and her pimp had all this planned before she accepted to do the first video, or if they planned to scam Mark after the first video, having seen an opportunity to make money from donors... In either case, she embarassed herself so badly with all the lies, and you can see from her face that she knows this, even though she doesn't much care. In the first two videos she looked incredibly smart and sensitive. In this video she looks cunning and scheming. Something is off here... And Mark showering her with cash? That is not the way to support a drug addict with severe social issues. She should have been taken straight into a private protection programme with her kids, and undertake heavy daily psychotherapy before handing her a single penny.

id: 557173 - Text: Mark I've posted comments about ur videos before and mostly they were in the negative context but after watching more and hearing more about how u are actually trying 2 help these people I understand more about what ur doing. It must be pretty difficult, they are 4 the most part just about the money and trying 2 get what they can out of u. I imagine it gets dangerous at alot of times 2 so I'd just like 2 say well done and I understand better what ur trying 2 do. I still find it very hard 2 digest the videos about the Virginian family of inbreds, that I can't get my head around but it seems ur doing good work so I respect u 4 that mate.

id: 557219 - Text: This is just heartbreaking. I was so hopeful for her based upon the last video. It seems it’s time to involve law enforcement now. Those children deserve better. She does too. They need an intervention.

id: 557231 - Text: Could be wrong but him doing all these videos 📹 are going to end up getting him in this life or 😵that guy was pissed at him only thing he got to save his ass is this video hopefully. He's playing with 🔥

id: 557322 - Text: Mark, I love your videos. Ive been a fan for years but never commented, thank you so much for this very important work.

id: 557348 - Text: 3-400$ a day !?.. Holy hell, when i'm saving up, i live on maybe 200$ a month. I would be SO disappointed, i AM disappointed. I've cut ties for much less. with me, people rarely get 2 chances - because they rarely change. I could see in the end of the video, she didn't even want to be there.... shame on her, unthankful and disrespectful, not even bothering to talk any more when asked.

id: 557349 - Text: No BS i SEEN her walking on Figueroa shortly after that second video when she was supposed to be doing well. Just her body language says it ALL. An dude with her ain't shit either but this is the Life they know and live. I even yelled at her saying i seen her on Soft White Underbelly and some other chick told her to get her on that show so she can make some money too.. hopefully this doesn't mess it up for other's but CUT HER AN HER KID'S OFF Mark!.
