31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 557414 - Text: damn good video buthese mfers r like watchn paint dry gtfo

id: 557428 - Text: Sad video. I wish she wanted more for herself. I don't want to believe that she was playing you from the very beginning

id: 557440 - Text: Wow, I was watching your previous videos with her and was really glad she was getting your support! I know we cannot help people against their will, but you can keep in contact and check from time to time, she is not lost, once she had the chance to have normal life, she will strive to have that, very few people can make radical changes, most of us do change with time, she will come around and reach out, don't lose her contact, please :) Bless you!

id: 557446 - Text: Now, I know she knows how to cover her face tattoos because she's done it before. But that bruise under her left eye is not very well covered, which leads me to believe that was not a mistake. He's obviously assaulting her because she's definitely not punching herself in the face. There's no question she's being taken advantage of in some form or another, and I'm not an expert, but everything about her body language is screaming abuse to me. I would go as far as saying she seemed happy in the previous videos, and here, it's like she's a caged animal cowering in the corner. There are people - in a position of authority - who are very well trained in these areas and know what to look for in situations like this. Fly has priors. I don't know the details of his record, but felonious assault/battery, trafficking, or possibly kidnapping, are not charges he wants to add. There is a huge difference between willingly doing something and being scared into submission. And if someone is forcing you, whether it be verbally or physically, to do something you don't want to do... that is a crime. Over time she has become completely numb to this abuse and probably feels like she did something to 'deserve the punishment'. He's probably grilling that idea into her head all day long, too. You see no loving or kind gesture from him towards her during the time they're in front of Mark's camera. Fly is not trying to help her.. he's crushing her soul. If I had the power to step into this situation productively, I would, but I'm just an average Jane. I can't help but feel like the subtle cues she's giving us should be paid attention to and taken seriously. He needs to be removed from her environment permanently before anything else happens, though. I can only hope that the arm of the law reaches him at some point, and she gets the support she needs to climb out of the trap she's been made to live in.

id: 557482 - Text: Mark I don't thumbs up your videos even though I watch the hell out of them because it feels wrong giving a thumbs up to watching other people in pain. The angst in your voice, you could cut it with a knife, the fear in them, the tension in their body language. I am just so appreciative of their bravery of even coming on camera and your relentless pursuit of trying to open our eyes beyond the bourgeois veil to see as you so aptly have named, the soft white underbelly. Please don't give up on your pursuit, and I hope they don't give up on theirs. All this mindless content on YT, yours actually makes a difference. I don't know how you or your interviewees manage to wake up every morning and keep slogging away, but we see you doing it. Thank you.

id: 557487 - Text: Wow I commented before watching the WHOLE video.. It's NOT pimping IF she's willingly allowing this guy to manage HER money.. it's just a vulnerable chick being taken advantage of. She may be juust attached & Dickmatized.

id: 557511 - Text: This video is so akward to watch..

id: 557566 - Text: sirens in the back are just validation. At least you made the video and she should have to sit there even if it's quiet cuz there are people that donated money. People aren't under control she had the chance to leave and didn't do what she had to do like change her phone number . that's really sad.

id: 557593 - Text: I can not stop asking myself : "Would it have been possible if everything hadn't been so public?" She is receiving a huge opportunity and at the same time she is really exposed and get a lot of attention with this youtube content. All her World and ex pimps can see what happened to her and that she is receiving help and money. She even said it in her second video that following her first video she got contacted from everybody (sorry if have written mistakes I am french)

id: 557609 - Text: Mark, this has been an impressive, eye opening, intriguing update on Asriah. This video has completely changed my opinion of you aka Soft White Underbelly. I don't mean to say my opinion was ever bad, or needed improving, I mean to say it went from good to great. Maybe even a better word could be- revered. There's no doubt, I revere you. First, I'd like point out and admire the patience, discipine, and determination it took to create this entire video is sooo impressive. Starting from confronting Asriah, on camera, in a non-combative, non-argumentive, respectable, humble, compassionate and sincere manner, to inviting Fly into the interview, the person who's been capitalizing on taking advantage of both Asriah and yourself. The entire time you maintain composure, I would have lost it when fly entered, but then, something I wasn't expecting at all... You took me along for the ride introducing me to Fly, providing back story to what Fly's done/been doing, to not only you, but to Asriah, and even the poor innocent children, also caught up in the mix. You present this person to me that I have every reason to loathe and through your shared perspective and you change my mind about how I feel about Fly. In seconds you change my feelings of anger & resentment, into honestly a bit confused, but importantly, feelings of compassion and understanding. I am moved by the lengths you've went through to help in this situation.. Every way around it, just wow, wow, wow.
