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id: 495069 - Text:  @cavaishalancaster1792  you said she posted on instagram that he was using her for sex.

id: 495088 - Text: There’s so many evil people in the world. There’s no reason for anyone to not believe her story. There’s a book called “A piece of cake” it’s by Cupcake Brown she wrote a book about her life as a young girl in the foster system of Los Angeles and how she got into drugs,gangs,prostitution,etc. She talks about a lot of sexual abuse by many of her foster parents and being a teenager on the streets of Los Angeles. Her parents died so she had no one. She eventually became a lawyer but her story is like so many here on this channel. Horrible things do happen. It’s not just in the movies. I wish “Kelly” all the best!

id: 495218 - Text:  @wudupdev7299  Well I reside on a reservation and one of our problems is that Tribal CPS (yes, they are a sovereign nation so can have their own government and own CPS) won't put Native kids with anyone that is not Native UNLESS they are so seriously medically and mentally messed up they can't find any Native family that can take them (special needs foster home). So let's say baby is born full of meth, heroin and MJ in it's system. Tribal CPS takes baby and gives it to grandma, who just got out of jail for meth and DUI. And mother lives with grandma as well as grandma's sexual offender boyfriend. I have worked in mental health for over 20 years and this is a story that is repeated over and over. They won't let any white person take a Native kid and the kids continue to get abused and neglected. So tell me how white people "fucked" that up? Bad people, evil people, selfish people, drug addicted people, careless people in EVERY RACE AND EVERY COLOR! Integrity and morality has no color!

id: 495528 - Text: I'm sure her emotional development in many ways was stunted by what those monsters did to her as a little girl. I pray she can climb out of the emotional, psychological, physical, sexual, and financial abuse she has endured for far too long.

id: 495864 - Text: I agree to pray for people but please do not call them "sick". That just worsens the stigma of mental illness. They are EVIL not sick. A sickness is something you can't control. Child molesters, rapists, sexual abusers are evil and are not sick.

id: 495939 - Text: Sexual abuse is the worst thing ever. I am so sad.

id: 496102 - Text: I grew up in foster care and I believe everything she is saying! I wasn't physically and sexually abused until I got into the foster care system. I'm in grad school now and my research will be on the foster care system and revictimization of foster children. Nobody took up for me and my siblings so now I'm going to be an advocate for children who are enduring or have endured what this young lady and myself have endured. Sending love and healing energy to Kelly. 💜✨💜✨💜

id: 496720 - Text: If you know anything about the effects of xanax of serequels. This is it. She can talk about it coz she's high af on heavy old sku tranquelizers... Yeah she vomited up alot of it. But still be some in her system plus the serequel. So thats why she seems calm. Many girls like her exists, ppl who call her fake or are lying are just ignorant to the lives of foster kids and cycle of abuse and drugs in family. Shes been thru so much, shes cried all she can. Shes on prescription drugs that make her calm. But she'll cry again soon enough. Child sex trafficking is real and the majoriy are foster kids who are already been brutally abused. The foster care system is fucked. Always has been.

id: 496721 - Text: I do the same thing when I talk about being sexually abused. You become Numb or in my case I’m doing EMDR therapy which helps me a lot with not feeling like I’m reliving my past

id: 496951 - Text: The story was so horrific, and told with an almost upbeat energy. I'm not a professional, but based on the other videos on the channel she doesn't seem to have lived through that. I'm skeptical. I was sexually abused ONCE at the age of 5 and it emotionally scarred me for many years. I just don't see the pain in her, especially compared to the other people on the channel. Then I read people are saying she lied. Braces? Long nails? Debt? Uh, not something a street person has.
