31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 557623 - Text: Mark should've expected this and worked with services to know how to help these girls if he actually wanted it to work. Shes still mentally in the streets no matter where U move her, she's a young mother who is lonely and all the maggots she knew who watched these videos saw is dollar signs when they hit her up.

id: 557627 - Text: The key part that you're leaving out is that SHE refused to change her number, Mark said it in this video. She's the only one to blame, because she refused to cut ties with the toxic elements in her life.

id: 557666 - Text: Asriah, baby girl, there is a whole world out here outside of that one little dark area that you work in. If you had the courage and drive to do this type of work, then you already have what it takes to be successful in this world. You know those little fish that ride along the sides of sharks, those are pimps and YOU ARE THE SHARK. They are like leaches that need you to survive. Without you they would have to dress like the bums that they are. You looked alive, with emotion, in the last two videos and now you look like you put your soul to sleep and are on auto-pilot. This new guy in your life has sucked the life out of you, taken the shine right out of your eyes. I don't mean to shit on you Fly, because you seem as tho you were dealt a bad set of cards in life too, but you're a MAN! You are supposed to be the provider, the strong one. Beef up and you provide for that baby girl off your strength, your back, not leaching off of hers. There's nothing cute about being "ghetto fabulous". Asriah baby, there's a strong working man in this world that would break his back so that you could stay home and relax and take care of your boys. Don't settle for a feminine-speaking guy that pretends to "protect" you by "managing" YOUR money. Find something you love to do and go for it my baby ❤ His lost sheep are the most important to the LORD. Mwah💋

id: 557716 - Text: Asriah is the reason I started watching this channel and I’ve thought about her a lot since that first video. I’m so sad for her and disappointed to hear how things are going. He’s taking all of her money and ruining such a great opportunity for her and her boys to start over. For her to be her own person again. Yet he says he’s trying to help her get out of the game. What a joke. Take your kids and go Asriah. Just leave. Change your phone number and don’t look back. There’s nothing for you in that life but death. I hope you’re able to break free one day. I want you to be happy. I want you to be alive and well to watch your boys grow into men. I wish and hope so much for you. You are loved. You matter. You deserve better. I pray you realize that before it’s too late.

id: 557744 - Text: Mark seems naive. Handing over that much money instead of asking for what and buying it himself. Was probably feeling played and it ate him up so he decided to go see what was up. But other than that if hes going to help someone you don't just barge in unannounced. Even if your paying for the place you can't just barge in to use the restroom or whatever else. If that's the dynamic then you're basically their probation officer. So many men makes these type of videos that shouldn't be making them at all. They themselves end up seeing how easy it is to take advantage of these women and end up wanting to sexually get with them. I'm not saying that Mark is one. Ima let this one slide to him being naive but im definitely going to have an ear out for anything else that's might be shady.

id: 557751 - Text: Did he take back the apartment or get any money back? I can’t finish the video right now

id: 557780 - Text: I've only just started watching some of the videos on this channel. No idea of this guys background but her thousands of dollars because she just asked for it !?. Then is shocked that things didn't go according to his plan. Life is not like a film.

id: 557852 - Text: I think that she accepted the WU offer knowing it was a way to make money. Then after the Gang saw the video and the comments, the money that got donated, they decided this was a safe way to make money. "Fly" has poverty, etc....issue as well.....There is little hope here........ Just my thoughts. The integrity of Mark's Project (WU) is endangered because they can't figure "a" way out. other than continually biting the hand that fed them, they were living in the moment. No long term plans.... People on the Streets who have been there since birth develop different brain waves and wild animal survival skills. Abusing a gesture of love and kindness is Wilderness behavior 101 with 99.9% accuracy. They remain human with primate behavior, no real trust, those that choose to help them are devoured, by their endless needs. The chemistry in their brain has reduced them to the roll of scavengers and made them feel helpless to change their fate. Drug abuse plays a major part in this behavior. Self-help must come from WITHIN. U have to want to save yourself, no the kids, not the dog, not the parents. Break the cycle. It is possible. I know. Thank you-Mark Laita for caring enough about the forgotten and providing them with a space to do a self-portrait.

id: 557915 - Text: I could see she was really struggling to stay on a ‘normal’ path the last video. She said it was hard and she seemed to be very low. This doesn’t surprise me at all. All she knows is drugs. She hasn’t got the willpower to break free. Hopefully one day she will. Good work Mark keep doing what you do, you’re very inspirational.

id: 557930 - Text: Just look at all the other videos of men who have done this. The majority are actually creeps. Think about it older men usually single. Helping young attractive women. They see how they've traded their bodies for either drugs or money. So they end up seeing how easily it is to take advantage of these women. Which usually makes them want to have a sexual relationship with these womens themself. I'm not saying Mark is doing that but he definitely raised some red flags for me in this video.
