31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 557939 - Text: Mark, I watch your videos while I'm up feeding my newborn daughter at night. Your efforts to teach parents are not wasted. My husband and I are completely determined to raise this child right and keep her from becoming a statistic. Thank you

id: 557976 - Text: I mean he's making bank with these videos, I like to think he talked her to make this interview so he can make some money back lol

id: 557996 - Text: After watching the first two videos I was really happy to see how things were progressing for her. After watching this video, I'm left with is the impression that she's self-centered and that there's little room for sympathy. I do feel very sorry for her kids though, because they deserve to grow up in a secure and stable environment - not some gang lifestyle where the kids most likely will end up like her. In the first videos Asriah showed that she's an intelligent, smart girl that knows right from wrong. She knows that as a mother, her #1 responsibility is to make sure that her kids are safe. If she would've wanted what's best for her kids, she would've moved mountains to get out of the mess she's in. Instead, she puts herself first and goes back to doing the exact same sh!t she's always done. I also think she should've apologized to Mark (maybe she did off cam) for exploiting his trust and wasting his time. He did all these things for her and the kids, out of good will, and she chose to take advantage of it. This is not about the guy (Fly) and everything he brings to the table, this is about Asriah. She may not have had a good childhood but there are plenty of people with a far worse background than her that've managed to move those mountains to get their lives back on track AND made sure that their kids grow up in a safe and stable environment. Yes, I do understand that her past has left deep scars and that it impacts all her actions and decisions, but the fact is that she's a mother now and the kids should be her #1 priority. So many people would kill to get the same chance Asriah was given by Mark. Too bad she wasted the opportunity for herself, and more importantly for the future of her children. We always have a choice, and she definitely chose wrong. Keep up the amazing work you're doing, Mark! You, your strength and your commitment is exceptional <3

id: 558072 - Text: I went back to the first video ! I forgot I had commented on this girl it was sad. So now Im thinking was it a plan from the start FLY tells her to go and talk and hook that white boy and see what we can get ....

id: 558099 - Text:  @pinkmosey  That's okay. ... You were right I didn't do anything. I can't afford to send money on go fund me. All I have is my faith is in my prayer. You don't have to apologize to me. Just a little emotional after watching the video.

id: 558101 - Text: Wow…..let me put you up on game regarding the last minute of this video. 1-they are individually responsible. 2- if you want to look at contributing factors or causations, 99% of the problem is the culture. 3- if it weren’t for rich people creating a wealthy society these two turds would be starving to death in a farm field ; they would not be going on ski trips and wearing outfits that cost more then most people take home pay of their weekly paycheck. How dare you obfuscate culpability of these two then blame the society at large. Maybe move to communist China and see how they do where the government is the pimp money manager and everything is provided.

id: 558114 - Text: There are two things very concerning about this situation and neither are what you would expect. 1. The liberal comments posted below praising Mark's supporting actions and "praying" for Asriah "hoping" she has the strength to get out of her "Situation". Both Asriah and Fry are hustlers and have conned Mark out of a car, an apartment and $000's of viewers gofundme cash and have no intention of even saying sorry. If you need evidence of this just watch the video. 2. Mark. The whole vibe of the video from listening to Mark sounds like Asriah has cheated on Mark in the same way someone would cheat on someone in a relationship. Yet Mark has no relationship or hold over Asriah and therefore should not expect any loyalty whatsoever. The fact that he has invested so much time and money in her considering her background is very very strange to me. Almost creepy. So who can blame Fly and Asriah for what happened when that's exactly what they do day to day. Wake up people!

id: 558128 - Text: I kinda could tell by the last “update “ video that she wasn’t where she needed to be. She was saying things like “I really hope” “I think it’ll get better” she hadn’t hit rock bottom. Addicts change only after hitting rock bottom. Good luck to her. Props to you mark!!

id: 558146 - Text: I have a bad feeling we will be seeing a memorial video of her soon. I just can’t shake the feeling. She had so much potential.

id: 558155 - Text: Very unfortunate. I was rooting for her… all the way. Happy that things were changing for her! In the second video I felt like she was unsure. Happy for what could be but hesitant for it, at the same time. This video broke my heart. I’m sad that this was the outcome. I hope that her boys are safe and healthy.
