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id: 500861 - Text: This is fucking horrible, unfortunately she is one of California. Things need to change. Pimps and sexual predators need to be tortured to death and displayed to the rest as an example.

id: 501199 - Text: Dadrian Givans They slip,thru the cracks just like,this girl. All the system wants is a placement! The potential parents put on a good performance , ,manage to have jail free records but many are demons! The system is over loaded with foster kids, and I honesty believe the state has quotas for them to fill, as far as placing kids in houses and not necessarily "homes" that are filled with love! I was a foster child but thank God in the 50"s was placed in a home with loving, Christian parents who loved me until their deaths . Some my foster school friends were not as fortunate , as our middle class neighborhoods had many black families with Foster kids . Some did it to keep their upscaled lifestyles and some were just helping out someone in need as they also were helped in return. It's hard enough dodging sexual predator uncles/ fathers, even females and family members in biological families, just imagine a foster child trying to escape a rapist that has no relation to them and the guardian is in it for the cash!!! Sickening

id: 501717 - Text: This is human sex trafficking, not prostitution

id: 501763 - Text: I wanna go pick her up and take her home with me to teach her to love herself. I am a recovering addict and ex-sex worker getting my life together and I want to help her! Where is she???

id: 502086 - Text: How can anyone with any sense of reality call prostitution "sex work" as if women and girls choose it? Absolutely fucked. Mentally healthy women don't become prostitutes.

id: 502860 - Text: I did check my fellow gender  @mizrelmizrel  That's why I tagged her🤦🏿‍♀️I'm a genetic woman & it's a damn shame that females excuse the sexual depravity of FEMALES while pretending that only males attack.That's one of the main reasons why so many are traumatized without ever being found.....Y'all would rather pretend only males assault because it doesn't fit your personal experience.I'm more concerned with protecting anybody in danger & I wish I would align myself with an animal just because she was born in my gender.You nasty cow🤦🏿‍♀️ *and I said "worst" which is correct,you just didn't know that was the proper

id: 502861 - Text: You just wanted to be a part of something & beg for likes  @charyii1  😂💀 This child said EVERYBODY the state trusted her with physically or sexually abused her but you idiots are ignoring her own words to fit a narrative.And can you please quote me on when I said anything about men not assaulting her? AWE!

id: 503047 - Text: rijaliti komentator wym writes about her pussy??? What does that have to do with her being sex trafficked???

id: 503342 - Text: It’s sad to say this but a lot of young black girls from the hood have similar stories! My mom had mental illness, abused me, been sexually abused by 2 ppl that I trusted. I thank God my dad and grandmother took me away from her..... now I’m getting my degree and a 10 year employee of the federal government. If anyone can relate to her story please know there is hope and change can come!!!!❤️

id: 504008 - Text: The title of this is pure ignorance. This little girl is a victim/survivor of sexual abuse. Even if a child sells her body, she's a child.. IT IS RAPE. There is no such thing as a child prostitute. These men and the females with the knowledge and who did nothing to help, should all be persecuted to the highest extent of the law. This little girl needs help, love, support and a "parent" / care giver who genuinely wanted to help this little girl heal. Also may i add, this poor little fighter gets arrested and now rather than try to help her the police throw her in jail and wack it on her criminal record. These aren't people we turn to for help! America is so far ahead of the uk and a lot of the world in so many ways, but in terms of child services and the criminal/ court systum SO unbelievablely behind.. I wish i could help u little girl. Please somebody in america, help this girl. I wish i had the financial resources to help her. Please little girl, don't hurt yourself. Keep being brave until u find ur happiness. DONT GIVE UP!!
