31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 558412 - Text: This is the greatest red pill video ever made...And it was accidental 🤣🤣🤣

id: 558414 - Text: Girl, THIS. I don't think he realizes he's acting like a pimp. Exploitation for content, donations and subscription page with disregard for how to properly handle delicate cases best left to professionals. She needs heavy intervention/trauma therapy, not only money. Good intentions alone cannot do. I genuinely hope Asriah doesn't read the comments section in this video of people calling her a manipulator and being "disappointed" in her. Most of us don't know what it is to live daily in survival mode/violence/abuse. Even if we did, trauma affects us all differently. I'm afraid Mark must have caused more harm than good. Hopefully there's no retaliation from any gang members or pimps towards her for making these videos.

id: 558417 - Text: That’s exactly what I thought when I came across this. I don’t know whole story obviously but his tone and demeanor sound like an angry sugar daddy who is upset that she was "loyal" to another man, in his own words. A huge red flag was the "I’m paying for this so I get the second key and come in." Idk it seems controlling and this woman was controlled her whole life. She needs therapy, emotional support, and a PLAN. What resources does she have for a better life, for a future to build up other than being reliant on yet another man. Throwing money at her then cutting her off does nothing. And publicly shaming her? At least the money and everything should have absolutely been kept private. This video just feels extremely off and exploitative to me. And it possibly put her and kids in more danger.

id: 558421 - Text: I mean, what the actual F*$k Mark...everybody out here praising you for putting her in her place..but SHAME on you!!! I'll be the only one to put YOU on blast for openly humiliating this poor girl!! Did you ask if she felt comfortable with talking about this? Did she KNOW you were going to use this platform to low-key torture her with guilt? As far as I'm cornered her and subjected her to something she only passively accepted because she needed the money, exploited her for your own purpose without her consent or comfort, essentially silenced her while she was left there internally squirming and screaming, then straight up turned the other way and abandoned her. By the end of the video, you reinforced the belief, ONCE again in her life, that she's a "bad" girl...who deserves her situation....who brought her own pain and travesty upon herself....and that there is no longer any redemption. She had one shot, and she blew it. So because she "screwed you over" ONCE, you don't want anything to do with her, and just leave her to her own defenses. MARK, I want the world to see that YOU PROVED TO BE NOTHING SHORT OF HER OWN ABUSERS!!! And in a worse, more insidious way because she actually expected hope and trust in you! At least the people you interview get their fair share of judgment and condemnation from society, meanwhile your ill deeds can fly under the radar undetected from all the ignorant, sycophantic flattery under the veneer of benediction and "generosity". I hope that really sinks in, because you need to be held accountable for ONCE. Working with the vulnerable and giving to them charitably (only because of OTHER donors)...DOES NOT MAKE YOU A HERO.. your work is getting to your head AND DESENSITIZING YOU. I am so sick of watching your videos, for the reason that they almost ALL end with a sense of defeat and helplessness and a disgusting lack of closure. There is ALWAYS a solution people!!!!!! ALWAYS!!!!!!! No matter HOW MANY TIMES a person falls back to temptation, there is still an option for them to make better choices and live a happy, productive and FULFILLING life.. a happily ever after IS always possible...but you FAIL to keep that message at the heart of your videos. Everyone be like "aww, it's heartbreaking and so tragic.....or "wow, really makes me appreciate my life"....or "too bad they ended up that way, they never had a chance" WHAT THE FLYING FUCK are these interviewees, who are later going to scroll through these comments looking for support, supposed to make of that?????!!! Other than how their life is just a pitiful waste that serves only to make others more grateful for their OWN lives. I want you to know YOU'RE the disappointment here Mark. YOU ARE.

id: 558426 - Text: I was a drug addict, I'm clean now. I had people come into my life in similar ways, buy me cars, spend thousands of dollars on me only for me to flush it away. Except I was buying hundreds of dollars worth of drugs daily. I look back and get sick at all the times people helped me, all the time, effort and money I flushed down the toilet, all of the trust I destroyed, all of the people I used. She is using this guy, I promise you off camera she laughs about it and talk about him like he's another trick except she doesn't have to f**k him for the money. She will always go back to that lifestyle unless she's gets help and totally removed herself from what is familiar. When I watched it i had hope for her, but the way he's helping her won't work, she needs a rehab center to go to where she can get clean and she can get the help she needs. Asriah I know you're reading these comments more than likely, I just want to tell you I understand. I know that lifestyle your in, I know ppl in similar situations but you can get out and can get help. In 10, 15 years your gonna age and your gonna wish you had this opportunity back. Beauty is fleeting and won't sustain you forever. You're worth so much more. When I saw your first video you reminded me of my sister and I just wanted your world to get better. You have thousands of people rooting for you. I understand that dude, I understand his situation as well it's what he knows its how he survives and you feel your in it with him like Bonnie and Clyde, but when the chips fall he won't be there. Go to rehab even if your off drugs you need help healing. You can turn your life around into something amazing and I'm sure this guy doing the video will help you if you were to actually get help. If I can get clean and turn my life around ANYONE CAN!! Good luck.

id: 558434 - Text: Was she ok with doing this video I think so I hope so

id: 558449 - Text:  @dominicdeyanker2185  right I was truly rooting for her and seeing this video made me so fucking mad. I get it she has been doing this since she was a kid basically but she had such a huge opportunity and she fucked it up. Mark woulda paid for her to leave the state and change her damn name if needed

id: 558498 - Text:  @amyd.7900  A million view youtube video generally wont bring in more than 800 dollars ad revenue. Maybe at absolute best a K. You're completely misinformed yet again. He gave her a new car, free apartment, and tens of thousands of dollars in cash over the space of just a couple of short months. You dont get that from a couple of youtube videos. On top of that, viewers donate money to the channel to help the people interviewed and we do so with the agreement that it goes towards helping their lives and raising their children. Instead she gave it to her pimp and gang to spend on illegal purposes and her kids saw nothing. He has every right to be disappointed not just because he gave her his own money but because he has an agreement with us that the money we donate will only go towards helping them change and will not be used for harmful means like what she did. Youre completely clueless here and just desperately searching for a way to flip the script and side with her any way you can despite the facts.

id: 558532 - Text: This girl said nothinggg the whole video.. sucks to see how backwards shit went from the last video. The house key though?? Why,!! His voice lol obnoxious.. kid is a goofy man str8 up he ain’t doing shit for her he don’t love her he’s using and it sucks to see. She will have a good comeback when he’s out the pic🤨👎👎✌️✌️

id: 558565 - Text: Asriah..I hope you are reading these comments. Don’t dwell on the negative ones but remember the ones who are still rooting for you. I cannot, no matter how many videos I watch begin to understand what your life has been like and what you’ve gone through. Please stay safe, take care of yourself, don’t give up. ❤️
