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id: 504009 - Text: One she’s not a prostitute, she’s was a flippin CHILD!!! A child that’s been getting sexually and physically abused her entire life and she still maintains a level of innocence. Every dam one has completely and utterly failed this child. I’m sad, angry and a whole lot of everything else.

id: 504106 - Text: Wow I am so sorry she went through all this been raped from 5 years old what is wrong with some men a child is not remotely sexually attractive it’s so sick! What system allows foster parents to rape children....You gave this girl instability from the moment she was born the system put in place to help these kids always lets them down.The fact that this girl thought her best option would be to prostitute at 11 and running away is disgusting.If someone can give this girl a chance just to get a regular job she can get out of this situation it would be amazing.Its a shame.

id: 504175 - Text: What kind of men think a 11 is sexually attractive? Digusting pieces of shit

id: 504357 - Text: Oh my gosh my ❤️ goes out to her! I just want to speak with her and help her. I want to tell her I LoVe her... Ughh I’m disgusted at the wicked people who touch these innocent babies! May they never have rest. Why in the world would the system give her back to the abusive families? We need to step up more to protect these children. Drugs and human trafficking are billion dollar industries. And mostly men (some women) are kidnapping and throwing them into it. As well as the men buying sex from Children. And It’s crazy that there are more animal shelters than there are centers to help those traumatized by human trafficking. I’m glad my family and I do what we can and my Church the International Gospel Center in Ecorse helps the homeless and everyone in need. Now Brainstorming on how to be a world Changer for the innocent.

id: 504386 - Text: A lot of kids in foster care have similar stories... My best friend was put in child porn as a baby in exchange for heroin - from her own mother and then she and her siblings were taken by CAS (Canada child welfare) when they were like 7-8 and she was horrendously abused her whole life. Burnt with cigarettes. Sexually abused.. etc etc. She ended up homeless at a young age (that's how we both met... We were both homeless at 15 loving under a bridge on the streets of Toronto) we have been best friends ever since. We both got our lives together... Got away from drugs... Have our own families... She has four kids , I have one . We both have husband's and we are great mom's.... If you want to change your life you can do it if you want it bad enough... You can do it girl. My best friend and I are loving proof of that .

id: 504410 - Text: In one of his other videos he asked a lady who sold Sex for money “what you doing tonight” immediately after her talking about how she makes ppl more horny. This is what happens when insensitive and untrained ppl do work without preparing themselves.....

id: 504460 - Text: It’s so sad how people don’t understand how much the sexual abusing of a child is such a vicious circle. When she said “I hate myself” my heart just dropped. The meaning of a safe environment for a child means the rest of their life to them. If your reading this with your government phone. I love you, I’m here for you. You matter.

id: 504522 - Text: Please consider changing the titles to some of these, this young lady is a abuse survivor or sex trafficking survivor. Titles create stigmas. This girl deserves to be seen as more than what will be stigmatized. Also if you know this girl please please share this information and tell her we care about her!!!!!!

id: 504585 - Text: The interviewer was pissing me off tbh. Making her repeat herself multiple times as if it isn't being documented. To laugh and ask how her life went after the horrific r*pe she endured at 7 years old like. She wasn't a fuckin prostitute, she's a sexual assault victim.

id: 504616 - Text: tina 4208 totally agree. Prostitute (sex worker) implies consent. This is a story of trafficking
