31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 558601 - Text: I hate to be that guy... BUT I CALLED IT IN THE FIRST MINUTE OF THE FIRST VIDEO.

id: 558642 - Text: hahaha,I read some of the comments on the first video,all that hookers with a heart of gold crap.It was obvious from the beginning this mark guy was just throwing money and sympathy at her she just went along with it.A hooker,a hustler,an addict,just because she is a woman she has no agency,shes a helpless victim.This is a big problem in society.

id: 558649 - Text: I can't believe they accept to share all that on Video!

id: 558654 - Text: these comments, just like this video, is full of excuses.

id: 558660 - Text: I just want to say my wife has been following this story about this girl my wife says she’s very beautiful and she seems very smart I agree. I grew up in the streets struggling fighting selling drugs being a thug just like that punk right there and all that dude‘s gonna do is bring her down he’s worthless and in the end he ain’t gonna be there when something really bad happens to her. She seems to be a very smart and pretty girl that has a lot of potential and she can do better. What happened by taking a vantage of you that was wrong but people have chances to change and the first thing she needs to do is get rid of that dude. As for me what I could say about that dude he’s a punk here in a man he’s just a punk a thug with a gangbang taking a vantage of a girl like that and for him to say that his girlfriend he’s just a piece of shit sorry for me using profound language but that’s what I think love your show I love watching all the videos it kind of brings me back to the past of how I was struggling and fighting and getting away from the stuff I did if I could wake up one day and say I don’t wanna do this no more then other people can do it too it’s all mental it’s in the mind I’ve been married for 32 years with two beautiful boys and two great granddaughters and all I could say they’re there my world. God bless you

id: 558663 - Text: She played him from the beginning. You could tell her energy was so off from the start of the first video. The second video was even worse and now this confirms my feelings. She’s so blah towards him. For someone who was the ONLY person helping her she really showed a shitty as attitude. Poor kids not her. I hope someone has adopted them and they are thriving because it ain’t with this “mother”. She had everything handed to her to start fresh and she choose that lifestyle over her kids.

id: 558679 - Text: But why was she given 3-400+ a day plus car, plus apartment without guidance oversight.. was there even a discussion around budget, guidelines, rules in exchange for "thousands and up a day" how was the videographer so unaware when he wasn't unaware this would happen? It feels like he provided her with all the things that might make a better story. There are systems and services in place that could have helped and someone who is "too busy" why even facilitate this?

id: 558729 - Text: I know what they did was wrong and they know it too, but the fact they came on the video knowing Mark has stopped the handouts says a lot. I respect them for that. Good luck to them both. God bless Mark for a good heart.

id: 558751 - Text: The silence at 8:40 says a lot from my own experience. I get the impression she wants to say so much but is juggling all the possible outcomes. She’s unfortunately being anchored by scum and it seems she feels like staying with them is far more safer and less problematic than risking an escape. Obviously I have no insight other than the few videos. Regardless I really hope she finds peace and is able to get away from that life asap.

id: 558764 - Text: This girl is worth 500k a year on the street. She played Mark; in her mind that’s her job, that’s what she does. The interesting this about this interview is Marks reaction. Exotic knows how dangerous men can be when they are emotionally invested. She says very, very little. Mark threatens her police intervention and she doesn’t flinch. Mark is clearly upset and quotes a number of times he has helped her financially. This is actually a line pimps use to try and retain working girls. 2k is what exotic would expect to make every night. Exotic was playing Mark from the very first interview, probably from the moment she met him. Marks emotional investment is something she has nurtured. In a previous interview Mark and exotic talk about how pimps had seen her videos and attempted to reach out and recruit her. Exotic is pure gold in the game. She is all about her money.
