58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 506773 - Text: Another reason to hate men and never give any man the benefit of the doubt. Horrible how they treated her since she was a kid I hope these men who sexually abused her since she was a toddler are in prison or it's going to be even more painful to comprehend.

id: 507399 - Text: She needs to get in touch with Toni D Rivera (@tonidrivera is her Instagram handle). She works with victims of sex trafficking.

id: 507496 - Text: "Sex Worker" ... I guess these labels are the totality of these people's identities.

id: 507577 - Text: George joy This girl is well put together, she's not drugged up, and she doesn't appear to be emotionally traumatised. Perhaps her belief in god enabled her to cope. She talks about her abuse as if she's already been through years of therapy. She needs to Sue the state with all that documented evidence of sexual abuse by her foster parent's.

id: 507625 - Text:  @sweethartia  Apparently today she's come up on Instagram saying the whole story was a scam. As a survivor of sexual abuse, I could tell she was lying. Her body language mainly gave the game away.

id: 507674 - Text: Men... some men... why? Why do some people sexually abuse KIDS?

id: 507788 - Text: YB Maccashe so your moral compass would tell a mentally unstable women to keep her child? Even if that means subjecting the child to mental/physical/sexual/emotional abuse.

id: 507864 - Text: Ashlie Rocha what’s her ig? And exactly some of her story doesn’t add up and my aunt recently died her mom was at her funeral with us and she reached out to my cousin offering her condolences and saying she’d come by and never did I’m all for believing victims especially of sexual abuse but from personal experience I know about exaggerating already bad situations that’s all

id: 508399 - Text: I don't know her and can't say if it's a lie or not. I will say this. Just because a person appear to be normal in school or around others doesn't mean they haven't been sexually or physically abused. Unless you lived with her or was with her 24/7 you don't know. I often tell people, you don't know me. You know my name. Only if walls could talk. Like I said, Don't know if she lying but based off personal experience people only know what you allow them to see.

id: 508546 - Text: Her story reminds me so much of a book called A Piece of Cake by Cupcake. This woman, who is now a lawyer, tells of the sexual abuse, prostitution, substance abuse and gang banging she endured as a child and as an adult after her mom passed when she was 8.
