31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 558908 - Text: Yeah... definetely heartbreaking. I was watching since the first video and I was hoping that she would come out of this life. Really sad..

id: 558910 - Text: She looks the same in every video. She looks like someone who knows she's tricking someone into making them think she needs help when she knows exactly what she's about to do... She's not embarrassed or she wouldn't have taken more money. Someone who's embarrassed would not ask for $1,000 and then turn around the next day and ask for more. That's called Mark getting played and her knowing it wasn't going to last long so get the most while you can...The sad thing about it is this is exactly why women who really need help don't get it! For everyone saying its not her fault...she said she didn't have a pimp in previous videos. Look at Christina Randall's childhood story (I only can think of her as someone who you could find on YouTube)...I feel bad for her, but I don't think she ever had any intention of changing.

id: 558940 - Text: Man I can’t believe this. Just a week ago I watched the first two videos with her you posted and I left a comment and I had such high hopes for this girl. I am so disappointed to see this now. I mean sure this is more the rule than an exception to happen but still. Something about her gave me hope…I was wrong

id: 558946 - Text: Accepting others life choices is so damn hard! Taking responsibility for a life/your life (when so conditioned) is so damn hard! This story shows that! From every perspective! There doesn't seem to be an easy answer and so damn complicated for all involved making this video. And the saddest part is there are children (who we don't see) whose lives are being effected. Heart wrenching Mark, for all involved and even for us to witness. I am so sorry this did not work out for any of you.

id: 558951 - Text: I could sense in the previous video that she was holding back and now I understand why

id: 558955 - Text: Thank you for your videos

id: 559006 - Text: @Mark, let's take a short minute to think this tough situation - this girl CAN NOT be pulled out so easy from this world in such a short period. Now - what she would tell herself if exactly after this big hit we would be even more biased to help her get out of the mess? Ok, she give all the money to that so-called boyfriend, a piece of shit wanna be pimp, but we must try again to save her, to show her that there are still many chances for her to live free and healthy. I donated exactly after seeing her videos, but for me, which I'm living in Eastern Europe is sort of harder than you guys there, being in same area with her. I can not act on street to be more precisely. If you guys there don't help her, what should we do from far away? I will take a plane ticket and get there, and then what? So, we must have in mind that even in that area full of gangs, if people unite, but a really and powerful unity, no gang will ever have more power. Now, the question is: those this girl worth all this? At her age, I will say that she can still be saved. What you think Mark? We surrender or we try to save this case and at the end, hopefully MOST IMPORTANT this will act like a big trigger to drag after her other many sad cases, but that can be saved? Best regards and hope we start build a powerful community here to actually help these people, starting with Asriah.

id: 559015 - Text: mark!! my god… he sounded like he wanted to cry this whole video. but especially at the beginning. you are a brave, wise, compassionate beyond words human being and i commend you for all you do.

id: 559034 - Text: Poor girl... and poor kids. He looked reasonably put together, wouldn't necessarily think he's in a gang or something.. I like how Asriah was wearing a hoody this time. 🙂 I remember how she mentioned, in the last video, that she started wearing less provocative clothing & enjoyed how that made her feel. (she avoided the negative attention, felt like she could pass for a 'regular-job person' and such) Anyway, this is really sad.. I hope she'll reconsider (if she can) and get back on track with getting out... God bless her, Amin.

id: 559038 - Text: I did not finish the video because my heart broke for Mark.. she’s so far In at this point there’s no out.. sorry Mark. I was rooting for her also.. everyone has struggles.. some of ours are different ( eating addictions, alcohol and etc)
