31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 559041 - Text: Mark is NOT a licensed therapist, social worker, psychologist, or doctor and cannot be the proper support Asriah and her family needs for sobriety. Why was Mark funding her beyond what was necessary to support her family, even after doubting her intentions? Why did he invite himself into her and her family's apartment? I don't think Asriah is quiet here to spite Mark; Asriah is quiet because her pimp is outside the door, and she can get in trouble for speaking. It's possible she was identified and threatened for her testimonial in other videos. While Mark was trying to extract her progress during the last video, he kept emphasizing how alone she was. She was now responsible for herself and her 2 boys. She's alone trying to navigate a world of normalcy she knows nothing about. While Mark pointedly was trying to get viewers to empathize with her, she looked vulnerable, alone, and on verge of breakdown. This style of intrusive questioning is not healthy for someone recovering. Trained interviewers know not to do this. They prioritize the person's needs above else. It's the difference between talking to someone and interrogating them. She needs guidance and to know stability is there. She doesn't need her confidence undermined by an outsider repeatedly exposing how alone, alone, alone she is through life! How further daunting did recovery look! She's possibly still struggling with addiction and needs rehabilitation for that. She needs therapy to work through all she's suffered. She also needs a woman to mentor her unconditionally without judgement. She needs that example of breaking through and leaving the streets behind. She probably doesn't have proper interviewing clothes. She might not know how to put together a resume or how to file a FASFA to take classes. I followed this channel because I was interested in a Humans of New York style of journalism that helped others, but this video feels quite exploitative. He lectures her without letting her speak. When she speaks, it's further turned into a lesson and not an opportunity to help her find stability. Her story is made into aesthetically-pleasing cinema while her reality is still spiraling and Mark profiting.

id: 559143 - Text: This whole video seemed like Mark putting her on blast to make sure she and everyone knows she fked up

id: 559217 - Text: Was rooting for her, thought she would make it out. But in this video she completely showed a different expression.. No remorse whatsoever. I wish her the best in life.

id: 559269 - Text: The beginning of this video is crazy… I have no words… anyone who has dealt with an addict and is listening to him is just shaking their heads.

id: 559281 - Text: I'm not sure if what I'm saying applied to her story because honestly I don't remember much from her first video but sometimes behavior has more to do with the way the brain physically developed in those first 1-3 years of life vs how it was conditioned based on the environment that they grew up in. I hate to see people who have fully recovered look down on those who are still struggling. We all struggle but no one struggles the same and Mark is well aware of the circumstances he may be in.

id: 559289 - Text: I was rooting for her so hard….I think woman have so much of a harder time transitioning into a different situation of any kinda. I’ve watched your videos for a while now, but with her I’ve actually seen some of myself in and especially if I hadn’t of had the opportunity that I have. You want to help people but until they want to help themselves it’s a uphill battle. I don’t know if you have ever done something like this before but next time when it comes to giving cash make them earn it have them assist you with filming or teach them how to edit that may seem like more if a headache but I think it might help them with learning some sort of valuable skill at least and maybe you have already and if you have I apologize, but you can tell she probably wants to do good but she just isn’t ready to shake that life.

id: 559306 - Text: This is sad I was really rooting for Asriah, and the look on her face from this video was just guilt and unapprecitation. She looks like she’s using and looks super rough. She completely took advantage of free money and free living and I don’t think she had any kind of plan to change. She must not know anything outside of this life if she thinks some thug should be managing her money. She had a way out and chose to just support her current ways. That’s why I won’t donate to people like this. 🤷🏻‍♀️ they ruin it for people who actually need help!!

id: 559323 - Text: Man, this shit breaks my heart!!! I truely felt for this beautiful soul. Seeing her in this video not being able to speak or tell her side. I was rooting for her man. I'll continue to pray for this beautiful girl!!

id: 559329 - Text:  @ravenslittlectgarden7003  she’s annoyed by this bullshit. She probably knows what’s lined up for her after this is done and not looking forward to having to work harder to support her mans fine luxury habits -or - maybe she was expecting a bigger sucker out of Mark and thought she could BS him into a more lucrative financial plan. She does not give a F. tho. Mark is really taking his viewers through the paces of what it takes to get out of this journey. He put money where his mouth was, helping to set this girl up with the tools to get out on the other side of this, and this video brings his viewers to the anti-climactic ending which far too common.

id: 559360 - Text:  @KevinJohnson-dl4jg  I see. I just watched her first video again. This girl has been in the foster care system since she was two months old. She dropped out of school, and was pimped out at 13 . All of that was never her choice. It's not only drug addiction. It's sexual trauma, gang mentality and the physical development of her brain. She raised herself and did what she had to do to survive in a world that never showed her what unconditional love was like. Mark did what he could do with the time he had but she is going to need so much more than money.
