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id: 510121 - Text: She is NOT a PROSTITUTE. She is a sexually abused child!!

id: 510400 - Text: The scary thing is that most of these things happened in Foster care. Children are in Foster care to get away from sexual abuse, mental abuse, physical abuse but yet we put them in the same or worse situations. It’s so sad. Despite what she’s been through she seems so sweet and gentle with no malice in her heart. God bless her.

id: 510468 - Text:  @soiceytrap  you're the one placing any sort of value judgment on the word prostitute. It's simply a word to describe someone who has sex for money. If you didn't judge prostitutes who "choose" to do it, this wouldn't even be an issue.

id: 510537 - Text: I agree the title should be changed to sex trafficking victim but she’s an adult at 22.

id: 510543 - Text: Luciana Rocchetti Yes but twenty-two isn’t a little girl but she indeed looks very young. Before I pressed play, I was expecting to hear the story of a 14-15 year old girl. Sadly in the states, sex work is a young woman’s game. By the time women become twenty-eight, they are seen by many as old.

id: 510554 - Text: Cassandra Campbell this is I talk about it. No one and doesn’t matter your age nobody has to be sexuality assalted

id: 510584 - Text: most of the prostitute adult women are in fact children from sex traffic who grew up. Those who made it "by choice" - meaning, they don't have a pimp and are not stuck into a traffic - make it as a choice to survive in a patriarcal and capitalist society where most of em have already been sexualy assaulted, and where women still have less options than men to work and have economic possibilities. That being said, there is a difference between prostitution and sex trafficking, but both are coming from a system that makes women suffer, and it has nothing to do with individual choice. We're talking about a system.

id: 510610 - Text: yes. no kid can be a sex ''worker'' its all slavery and absolutely heartbreaking

id: 511305 - Text: This is one of the videos where i really felt sad & sick. The world is full of sexual predators who target weak & vulnerable. she is 21 & has a whole life ahead of her. If helped in a proper manner maybe she will recover. I wish she recovers from the trauma that she had to face at such young age. Him offering her dinner was the best part of this video & the reason why ill keep watching & liking his videos.

id: 511313 - Text: Someone fucking tag and share this to Rihanna and doctor Phil this girl is gorgeous she needs mentorship in order to become a role model to strong female empowerment. She got that Slick woods type vibe very edgy and upfront. I wish her the best and so much love and positive energy her way. I felt her story on a deep personal level. Coping, being molested and raped, sex as a void, Drugs. It gets better 💓😔
