31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 559381 - Text: Get rid of this chick and do other videos of people that are in need.

id: 559394 - Text: Hustlers understand our biases better than we do. Your video posted right as I was trying to decide whether to keep ignoring red flags in a reoccurring benevolence request I’ve been getting. So it can happen to any of us—if we take a chance on trying to help. I thought your composure at the end was impressive. “People like this” is troubling to hear though, because it can represent a blind spot in your expectation of what a hustler should look like. Like I said though, I’m sorting through my own blind spots. And your journey is helping…so thanks for making the effort…

id: 559465 - Text: Sad video to watch, at least it’s just the beginning. Although this seems to be the end of her time with Mark, it is just the start of her life and there’s always hope she will turn it around one day. The truth is that no matter what people here are saying, no one actually knows. She can beat the odds or she can become them but no one can tell the future and they sure aren’t going to know when she doesn’t even know herself. It seems like she wants a better life but that doesn’t instantly mean she wants a better life by our definition of it. For a young girl who has been forced into the situations she has been and lived through life in a way I couldn’t imagine. Her idea of better it most likely nothing like mine or anyone else who has lived a had decent life. I pray she peace and leads a good life❤️

id: 559471 - Text: This video was really hard for me to watch the root of all money is evil- now she’s put this guys life at risk just for trynna help this world is so evil and I pray for these people God bless this man for his kindness

id: 559482 - Text: Her whole persona compared to the other video is completely different. I also think she looks high. She wants help but she is totally consumed by her lifestyle and pimps/boyfriend controlling so so sad. Mark u are so amazing and kind. I dont think she can be helped. She needs to want to change from within.

id: 559484 - Text: I’ve watched this video a few times now and there is something not right about Mark’s story of how he discovered her deception. It doesn’t ring true at all. And why would you hand over thousands and thousands of dollars in the way he described?

id: 559495 - Text: I think Mark has been played well and truly here. You can tell from his voice that he was gaining a connection, possible attraction, towards Asriah in the first two videos. In this video you can tell he has been let down in more ways than one. This is typical white knight behaviour where the guy thinks he can rescue the girl from a bad situation. Who sends someone $1000 in a day?? Yet the girl plays the trick for everything they have. Then has nothing to say when they are called out at the end of it. Sad to say it but Mark has been tricked here. Nothing else to say.

id: 559500 - Text: This video is entitled, self-serving and extremely naive. How did you see this going exactly? Did you think you could dump a bunch of money on her head and her problems were going to just go away? Why were you giving her so much money?? Of course she took advantage of the situation. Besides all of that— “I happened to drive past your apartment on my way to the gym.” WHAT?? No. You were intentionally driving by her place to see if she was there or not (a lot of people would call that stalking). And then you obtained a key to her apartment because you “couldn’t find a bathroom.” Again—WHAT?? You did not have the right to enter this woman’s home just because you pay the rent (a lot of people would call that breaking and entering). Why do you feel so entitled to her space? She is subjected to all of these men trying to control her, so what do you do? You try to control and guilt trip her (while filming her) because she isn’t following YOUR plan. Plus, it is none of your business if she is dating someone or not. You sounded jealous when you questioned whether she was loyal to you or to this guy. Who are you?? She doesn’t owe you loyalty! This is so inappropriate on so many different levels. You seriously crossed the line with this young woman. Maybe you started out with good intentions, but that is definitely not where you ended up. And now every person watching your videos knows exactly how much they can take you for, which puts you in real potential danger. You should seriously think about taking this video down!

id: 559511 - Text: Here’s what I see: An older white man who has managed to center himself in the life of a young Latina woman (and a Black man for that matter), make himself the victim of this centering, and then shove the experience back onto the woman to protect his ego. Let’s not forget that you also stalked her, broke into her apartment, and ultimately threatened to call the police on her. (Can we stop doing this to marginalized people already?) I have so many questions. Why did you feel so entitled to this young woman’s space? Why did you even make and post this video? This “interview” is a conversation that could and should have taken place off camera. Why did you feel the need to record yourself wagging your finger at her? How long was the role of benevolent benefactor going to continue without any real long-term plan for care or support? She told you exactly how she felt about people (specifically MEN) in the first two videos. Why would she treat you any differently? She doesn’t know you. She was playing the role that you wanted her to play, and you played the role of a mark. So how is that her fault? This reeks of white male entitlement, from beginning to end.

id: 559567 - Text: Thank you for posting this video, Mark. It shows the truth and reality of what can happen with this much trauma. People's personalities can change. There's good in her, I'm sure. But there's also antisocial issues. I wish the best for her still, but not out of your pockets!
