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id: 511720 - Text: Foster care is a dirty joke. Most children are taken to these homes with reports of sexual abuse but still place these beautiful souls into these homes. They know these arent decent homes for these children but they are so desperate to place these children. Most foster homes are about that check. So many children suffer because our system sucks.

id: 511821 - Text: My heart breaks for this girl. Her whole life she’s been abused sexually, physically, emotionally and mentally. And after surviving the hell of her childhood she still doesn’t have a single person who cares about her. She couldn’t be more alone in this world than she already is. No child should ever have the life she’s had. It seems the foster care system is a welcoming safe place for pedophiles. And a treacherous terrifying place for children.

id: 511976 - Text: I’m crying. I’m a victim of sexual abuse and this woman has gone through much more than I have, and is much more stronger than I am. She’s just strong and beautiful. She deserves more than what has been given to her. She needs help, she need love, and she needs treatment. I pray that she gets on her feet and can experience love and life.

id: 512206 - Text: Alyssa Terrazas ........ it’s a hard one... I think the producers should do the research. How and where did they find her. I do believe she has been through some horrible things abused etc however, her Facebook doesn’t correlate gang banging and living in a tent or Mexico or prostitution or pregnancy.. if anything she speaks of sex yes and not ever carried a disease or never been pregnant and why do men cheat on good women etc... I can imagine some of her story being that of personal experience and embellishments. How terrible does your life have to be to be able to deceive and rewrite the truth and fool people ? I think you’d have to have a pretty messed up life to be that deceptive. I won’t be donating and Mark Latia needs to address the enquires and concerns of the viewing public.. or is he in this too!! ?! There are some real life horror stories, integrity is everything.. you can’t cash cow stories or produce sensationalised material for the growth of a YouTube channel ... not on... I want to know where they found her and how.

id: 512212 - Text: I agree that the producers should do the research but also dont judge a book by its cover. Many many victims of sexual abuse go on to live destructive lives that draw attention to sex (like her fb page) We dont know fosure

id: 512816 - Text: It's a dirty ass system through and through damn to the Abyss all CPS, courts, the government, police, and all involved in destroying Children and sex trafficking them! Designed to break up family's and sex traffic the Children! I hope 2020 all the people in these dirty institutions STOP TURNING A BLIND EYE TO ALL THIS FOR CASH$$$!!!!!!! Soulless sellout Monster's!!!!!!!

id: 512931 - Text: Sadly I've come across a few people with horrible childhoods who would run away and a random guy, sometimes an actual couple, would "find" these girls & act loving and caring & appalled that they were running away and homeless. Sweet talk them, buy them clothes etc. And then the pimping starts... Hearing this child speak of being sexually abused (shes not consenting) and saying "they would do it hard".... I just fucking cant. Started when she was 11. Her entire family, foster families, the court system failed her. And this happens to THOUSANDS of girls AND boys. I'm just broken viewing this but I'm glad it's out there. We need to see these innocent kids and hear their stories. I hope one day this all stops. In the mean time, look up local resources on ways you can help. If you're an actual good person, foster. Not just young kids but the older ones too if you feel you have the mental and emotional capacity to take on teens with issues, seriously look into it.

id: 512992 - Text: Sara Bulanda They do it on purpose, they are not stupid, they know what they are doing. The sistem wants to destroy people, and they have been doing forever. The hole sistem Is broken, no wonder so many kids ran away. Do you know that 95 % of serial killers come from disturbing childhood. There is a sex satanic ring going on, and people are so blind. No one actually understanding what is going on around them, and everyone today minds there on business, in stead of stepping in especially when a child is in involved.

id: 513167 - Text: I was in group homes n foster care believe me it’s common abuse sexually n physically. We left one hell to enter another. My heart hurts for her

id: 513171 - Text: The tragedy is CPS, child protective services, around the country were created by eugenics believers such as susan b anthony. These people's goal in creating CPS was to disband brown, black and poor white families and send their children to be raised by people considered "fit" to raise children! That is CPS' true mission and why they always have these atrocious cases such as Kelly's! The real reason why we have so many homeless people wandering around the country, is they quietly closed the large scale mental treatment hospitals funded by the federal and state government because of all the atrocities such as forced sterilization, lobotomies, shock treatment, torture and abuse, even sexual, that was going on! To lessen government liability, because even though the funding by congress to those large scale mental health facilities ended in the late seventies under president Jimmy Carter with a transfer of purpose to be towards smaller community based treatment. Because individuals in treatment would still reside mostly in their own communities. Great concept, but gave little funding for it and Reagan cut it even further! The number of people who function each day, go to work, have children raise families, etc who have mental illnesses or need treatment, seeking it or not, is staggering! Kelly's story is the tip of the iceberg, yes just the tip! Believe it or not, she is one of the more fortunate ones who has survived and her story has been told! I am curious though and will ask the producer of this video, if anyone has reached out to her to help her achieve her educational goals! That shows her strength I believe, that is what is most inspiring and amazing to me is she has not had formal education since she was 10 or 11. Imagine what she could have been and the impact she could have had if she had! Wow! No wonder our country and the world is in such terrible shape!
