31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 559569 - Text: after hearing Asriah's story in the first video, to the second where she seemed happier and healthier, and to this one I genuinely want to help her. anything to maybe even to save her from her life. Giving her money and a place to live is one way but money may not be the only funds that she needs. Maybe community? Compassion? Praying for Asriah and her boys. There is so much shit in this world and it doesn't end. Systems need to change but these things take decades and centuries to change. But what can we do?? Regardless thank you for creating this and giving her a platform to tell her story. Stories are powerful and this is raw and real thank you

id: 559581 - Text: DUDE. I work with complex trauma survivors, and have CPTSD myself. I love that population. But you have to be aware, that people that have seen the amount of shit that Asriah has have a high possibility to be manipulative. Stop supporting her. She's been lying and I could actually sense it off of her energy in the 2nd video. Sorry, love to her but you cannot be taken advantage of like this. ♥

id: 559590 - Text: Dude what did you expect really? Listen man women will take advantage of the nice guy every time. With no remorse. She’s no different from any other. She has no respect for you. That’s why the nice guys finish last. It’s called female nature. You should do a video on that exclusively.

id: 559619 - Text:  @modaciouslav4792  I donated $10 which isn’t much but I only did it after watching her second video bc I really believed she had a great opportunity to change her life around.

id: 559695 - Text: A lot of people donate to the GoFundMe account. If 1000 people give $5, that starts to add up quickly. 500K+ people have already watched this video.

id: 559696 - Text: I have 7 siblings and I understand the heartache. I can hear it in your voice ( the anxiety of it all)....I remember reaching my limit with my brother who cussed me out on several occasions because I wouldn't lend him money or house him anymore. I told him that I refused to let him draw from me as if I was a bank with no interest. Its hurt me over the years cause we were so close as I've also helped most my family members but we all have separate lives, different ways we wanna live and living situations. Listen, some ppl we just can't save! No matter how bad we want it for them. Sometimes we end up trying to control the situation hoping they'll get inspired and see the light. I cried many times because I've had to walk away from friends, family and situationships. Hey, some ppl wanna trick their lives away, they wanna live their life (I mean lie) and we have to accept that and tell them at one point or another "I release you to live the life YOU chose!"....She knew the help would eventually come to an end, not this way though! Sadly she went back to the life she can't let go. So now this means Mark you have to "let go or be dragged"... I really hope ( as it says on her shirt) her eyes open up one day, obviously she's putting her life and kids in danger. The world is loosing too many women & children to murder from domestic violence. Its just not a good outcome at this point....I too watched her story from the beginning and I wanted so bad for her to beat this, around the second video there was a moment where you asked her about someone trying to get in contact with her and there was a moment she had a smirk on her face and I felt instantly she was going to return..... No, I didn't want that for her and now here you are calling her out 🤦🏾‍♀️.....she just didn't believe in the process or must've felt everything was too good to be true and maybe she'd have to go back to what she was doing anyways. No telling what her thoughts were or what her pimp told her but, she chose the latter, " better the devil ya do know than the devil you don't" or kinda like "known hells are preferable than strange heavens"..... she's so beautiful man, I just really wish she had the courage & strength to leave that toxic mess behind.

id: 559721 - Text: Mark please be careful. This girl used you. I wouldn't be surprised if you got a hit out on you. This girl is gunna end up dead. This video is super embarrassing to her and her pimp. I'm worried about retaliation.This video was a bad idea

id: 559729 - Text: I feel so deeply for her. I am an addict who by the Grace of God has been clean almost two years. The change in her from past videos to now is so obvious. The chin up false bravado (false pride) is to hide the deep shame and guilt.

id: 559760 - Text: Oh come on I read your pinned comment. Sometimes you have to just see it for how it is and take the rose colored glasses off for these girls Mark. She cant even take care of her own kids but still having kids with this guy..even though miscarried. To quote you ' this isnt your behavior, this is him right??'' No honey this is her and him!!! They are hustling you. Period. Stop giving out this much money.. This girl just sat there and didnt apologize she just said not really when you ask her if she has anything to say. That is so disrespectful I couldnt hardly watch this video. I grew up around drugs and manipulative people like this and anyone else in the comments who has.. can see whats happening. They dont give one ounce of crap about you. They will use your money and your positive energy and spit you back out. Wise up.

id: 559779 - Text: I saw it in the 2nd video she wouldn’t make eye contact to the camera or Marks direction. I wonder if Mark has a need from this as well. You obviously you wouldn’t give $1000s of dollars to your kids (who haven’t been good with money or are a few months out of an addiction) unless you are just trying to please them. It’s like Mark was just trying to please her and couldn’t tell her no. You can’t be Captain Sav-a-ho.
