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id: 513204 - Text: You are absolutely correct. And very sadly my children, specifically my middle and youngest daughter were both sexually and physically assaulted while in foster care by 2 separate foster families. I worked my program, completed my program, and maintained sobriety, gainful employment and housing on my own, to which DSS still wanted my rights terminated UP until I reported Horrry county DSS, and both foster families and a judge intervened and I eventually gained full custody. These kids experienced literal nightmares which has them still at 21 and 18 years old emotionally traumatized, but we cope one day at a time. I sincerely empathize with anyone that has lived through what we have, these people abuse their authority, abuse and cross their legal obligations to maintain a secure, stable environment for children. It's honestly all about the money/control.

id: 513387 - Text: Stayc Paul I don’t believe that. Those kids are mad because she received money. They don’t know how she lived in her home. They don’t have graduation pictures of her. They said she was having sex with a lot of boys at school, that’s a clear sign of a child being raped at a young age and she was on drugs. She sent a text saying she was going to fight someone sober. So clearly she was getting high. I don’t believe those kids. People always think they know what you’ve been through. One minute they said she was running away from home then they said she was at school, which is true.

id: 513477 - Text:  @lilmotosexyful  she lied.

id: 514203 - Text: I really want an update on her, I can honestly relate to her..So I can understand some of her pain. I was violently abused, physically, mentally and sexually whilst trafficked from 16 till I was 22.. First interview that made me cry. If she could fly out too the UK I have a spare room and she could live with me. Bless her, Stay strong sweetheart! 💕

id: 514242 - Text:  @soldiersss7736  You know you can report your proof to gofundme right? Though I'm not sure how having a facebook is proof. Sex workers get around.

id: 514340 - Text: Since her mother was mentally ill, she gets thrown away? Heartless people. She was never loved or properly taken care of ever in her life and was sexually abused as a baby! But no mercy? That is incredible to say to anyone!!! I pray she gets off the street, recognizes love,and truly values her life as God intended. May God have mercy on some of y’all!!

id: 514344 - Text: hey! if these videos are being made as an attempt to destigmatize/humanize, consider switching your language from "prostitute" to "sex worker" <3

id: 514578 - Text: I’d take her home with me in a heartbeat and help her get a college education! My childhood was some what like hers with sexual abuse unfortunately. She seems really sweet! But Mississippi is a far cry from LA. I’m rooting for you girl ❤️❤️❤️

id: 514731 - Text: Why is it that black people are always questioned  @RianaAnais  ? I'm seriously asking because as an A.A/FBA I've seen that same excuse my entire life."I hope they aren't lying"...But non blacks are automatically given the benefit of the doubt even when the story keeps changing.Yall really believe a damn near 70 year old white woman feared a black man during the Jim Crow era & the civil rights movement, so much that she waited 50 years to say he raped her.A rape supposedly happened in a time when it was still illegal for black people to drink water out of the wrong fountain & lynching hadn't yet been outlawed at that.But y'all have a hard time believing a black child could be the victim of sexual trauma & forced into the sec worker industry.Smh

id: 515141 - Text: David Essex AMEN
