31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 559781 - Text: Honestly I was so dissappointed on the outcome of this video. I was rooting for her success. Thanks for everything you do Mark.

id: 559840 - Text: Mark because of your videos and the generosity of the followers of this channel and just the kindness you show to these people you interview I was starting to rethink the way I feel and think about people in "THE GAME". After following this girls story and REALLY hoping that with your help she could get out BUT then she pulls this and I see this video I am back to thinking the way I do about these people. Your were literally handing her a way out of the "Game" then this video. This video made me so mad at her and I felt stupid for actually rooting for her. I really wanted her to get out and back with her kids!!!!!! I knew something was wrong in the last interview you did with her. She seamed very standoffish. Your a better person then I am by still helping these people out..... I know everyone is going to say she is brainwashed or a victim BUT screw that she had a person giving here LOTS of money and other things but she still stayed doing this crap. She deserves whatever happens to her on the streets. I only hope her kids don't end up being like her!!!!!!!! I am glade that she did this video, it shows she had some type of remorse I am even surprised that her pimp did the video that was kind of stand up to me. STILL I don't like her!!!!!!

id: 559856 - Text: I get all that you are saying and definitely agree but with a couple of caveats that I hope you'll consider. A lot of women grew up without our fathers but never resorted to this type of behavior. Also, the way you toss around the term 'Black guy' 'this Black guy' 'a Black guy' in your videos immediately points to negativity when the majority of them are not engaging in this type of behavior. Lastly, teachers and unemployed teachers are really suffering right now. I hope you'll someday consider those of us genuinely trying and not squandering your effort/funds or putting you in danger.

id: 559920 - Text: She has not been struggling her whole life. She has made choices to end up where she is. She is an attractive women that I'm sure has had many men simp for her and tell her they would take care of her but she chose the bad boys. Even in this video the guy was paying for her AND her kids and she chose to betray him and run back to her "bad boy". She chose that. She is not a victim. She is just a bad person. Stop feeling sorry for her or be taken advantage of.

id: 559931 - Text: Mark you were actually warned of this in the previous video with Asriah. It seems that you have a lot of love for this girl, and she said in a previous video that she was in a relationship where she essentially became the pimp by extorting this dude who treated her well. I kind of judge her for this one but I feel bad for her as well. This kind of pattern is all she's known, and she's more comfortable with a man like fly telling her what to do than being by herself. I wish her well and understand it can take making the same mistake many times to learn a lesson.

id: 559947 - Text: The Friendliest Android & Styx Cover Band Duo you really wouldn’t know if “most are spent on food vs drugs”! And that wasn’t my main point. I hear you but let’s agree to disagree. I used that as an example. What’s happened here continues to happen - his efforts are to show he “had her on the right track” but continued to give her money after she was asking and asking and just assumed that her kids and her were provided for. That was inevitable because it was the wrong approach- completely. Unless counseling and therapy and and deep professional attention is provided to people who have suffered years and years of this lifestyle - then you will always experience these types of outcomes. Bandaids are for quick fixes ie. money. Money doesn’t solve problems this deep. The video wasn’t and I’ve said it before - for purposes of showing how much he “helps people” it’s for likes, comments and $ for show. This is quite apparent for this and others. Go deeper. More value in truly trying to help others and it would be regarded as more effective and honestly…. More sincere.

id: 559961 - Text: You can’t advertise a picnic and be surprised when the ants & roaches show up. The last two videos brought her way too much attention. The streets are always watching

id: 559967 - Text: He probably beat her ass after this video… very sad :( Look how scared she is and how calm he is…

id: 560006 - Text:  @amandab1051  the past videos were about how the traumas she was experiencing ( daily ) were prohibiting her from obtaining the tools necessary to facilitate real change. Mark listened to what she told him and offered help based on what she believed she needed to start heading in a different direction. She seemed sincere and genuine about wanting a better life for her children ( to Mark, not myself) if she was given an opportunity. Mark gave her the “tools” necessary to lay the groundwork for security in taking care of her children and it would have been up to her to seek other resources ( therapy, outpatient rehab, etc) since Mark cannot do that part of the work for her. She is a grown woman, who was offered one hell of an opportunity to start climbing out of a very deep hole and she actively chose to mislead and deceive. I am sure their earlier convos were full of her talking about what she would do with her life if she actually had the proper resources, and as a hustler I am sure she hit ALL the marks ( no pun intended) to assure Mark she was not going to flake. She definitely does not know how to live a better life, but how was mark to know that? It looks so transparent to us now ( hindsight is 2020), but at the time it seemed that Asriah knew what to say to extract more money out of mark and would have told him everything and anything just to manipulate that she is taking care of her end of the bargain. If Mark did not go into the apartment and catch onto the situation first hand, she would have never gave Fly up. She is not ready for change, and imo she doesn’t look like she has any real remorse at all.

id: 560008 - Text: So were all the other videos just a trick to get money from Mark? Was this all just a big game for her and “fly”? Never changed her phone number..etc.
