58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 515300 - Text: I agree. Men are awful just for some sex

id: 515321 - Text: I dont trust foster parents. Its or for the money, or a powertrip (sexual, or violence) and a small percentage actually care about the kids.

id: 515378 - Text: Yas Pazazz You hit it right on the head. Because most of them are missing the BIG point in these interviews. He’s showing you different life styles and trauma people have grew up in. showing how some gave in to the trauma and abuse drugs and sex as a result of coping with it. Some people know how to change and don’t want to end up like there parents or family members. Just my opinion.

id: 515396 - Text:  @jamegumb7298  It's interesting to see your comments versus the comments of others here. Sure, everyone has choices: they can choose to wallow in their fucked up past or try to rise above it. But here's the thing: when all things are equal in the internal nature of two individuals (intelligence, drive, emotional stability), what outside circumtances will tend to cause one individual to fail and the other to succeed? I'd assert, using only about two brain cells, that having a fucked up childhood with little to no parental involvement, sexual and physical abuse, and being surrounded by sociopathic behavior by adults is about 10 orders of magnitude less conducive to success in this society than having two parents and being raised in a normal household. I mean, come on man, get real. With all of your supposed education I'm surprised you don't get this.

id: 515490 - Text: cute lady

id: 515500 - Text: "My father was in and out of my life" all the men in her life * drum roll* I wonder if this interview had a happy ending. you giggled? u evil sexy bastards u. you're offended? too bad.

id: 515503 - Text: She is an intelligent young lady ! If shecwas able to go back to school she would do well ! Charging $ 80.00 to $ 200.00 is too low ! Her maximum should be $ 800.00 and her minium , just talk $ 200.00 ! She should carry mace with her to show the pimps that next time she might be packing heat ! The punishment for pimps should be a woman having them tied down and having other men force them into sexual acts , while the woman is paid ! At the end of three days ( with breaks between John's ) hand the pimps 10 % !

id: 515557 - Text: I don't approve of prostitution because I think there's other hustles that can make them the same amount of money without having sex such as stripping, bartending, etc. But ! I'm finally glad that I've watched a prostitute that doesn't sell cheap pussy for $20-30. Cause that's cheap AF! I'm glad she's charging $60-150. That's what they all should be charging to sell some pussy tf, or even more lol. But she has her head on her shoulders, she can still pursue her dreams, she's just looking for fast money, she just needs to find another hustle other than prostituting. I have faith in you girl ! 🙏

id: 515561 - Text: Is having sex called a "date"? Wow Definitions for words are so different from people to people...

id: 515635 - Text: And clarify he didn't ask for her sexual prostitution services when she mentioned people pay her just to speak to her without sex he said I should pay for that since this is what I do...what he said could've came off the wrong way but he's trying to make her comfortable
