31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 560020 - Text: I am so sorry mark. I can hear the sadness and disappointment in your voice! Your heart is so pure and it’s so unfortunate that this happened but your kindness will never go unnoticed! She’s going to have to live with this and it’s forever here for her to have to see. Thank you for everything and for these beautifully made videos

id: 560059 - Text: Dear Mark, I am an ex working girl myself. Please tell Asriah her slippers are kool. Have watched all 3 videos. The 2nd video was very sad. Change is hard Asriah's life is not simple. The third video is very concerning to see the deteriation. I send best wishs to you n Asriah. I hope Asriah can see how far she has come. Sometimes we have to walk alone n that does take strength. Please dont give up Asriah. You are strong to still be here. You are in my thoughts. Much love. xxxx

id: 560122 - Text: Mark - you are an amazing individual and make truly impeccable videos. They give us all a glimpse into the “underbelly” of America. With this scenario, I’m sure you know (you’ve said yourself) you just can’t help someone who doesn’t want out yet. It sounds like she didn’t from the jump, with the not changing her phone number, that would be a huge 🚩. I’m grateful you helped her, it’s a shame it went to “Fly” and other bad things.

id: 560143 - Text: Even in her last video i could tell she was lying about doing better and having her kids... its so sadd because at one point she seemed "happy".. she can't even speak, her jaw looks swollen and your can see she is using drugs.. you helped her insanely and to see it go down the drain is sad af. She could have a great life

id: 560157 - Text: I knew she'll get back I can tell from the second video she's not ready, she's an addict it's not easy to be clean in short of time.

id: 560167 - Text: Waste of time bro. How have you done so many of these videos. Yet still be so naive

id: 560193 - Text: Something obviously happened. She was sincere in the 2nd video but afterwards.... Giving people too much too soon is a killer man. They don't know how to control themselves.

id: 560246 - Text: I was binge watching her previous episodes and couldn't bring myself to watch this one for some wierd reason. Maybe it's because of the proximity of the two videos, or just the gut feeling: I knew something would end up so badly 😭 TBH, I was so attached to her emotionally and loved her so much. The first thing I did was pause the video and read the comments. I don't think I can bear the heartbreak of hearing her beautiful and knowing that it was difficult to break free. Healing is not a straight ride Asriah, you have to fall to rise up! And I know you will get up! I also know that when you do next time, it will be for good. So I will subscribe to this channel for you, so that when your next episode of success comes up, I'll be the first to know! I still don't think I will be courageous enough to watch this. Sorry 😔 But no matter what, I will be that unknown person in your corner! Always rooting for you! Much Love❤️

id: 560251 - Text: i truly blame poverty. the end of the video was a great conversation to be had. id love to know who you point the finger at, mark.

id: 560253 - Text: Statistically it takes most women multiple tries to get out of an abusive relationship. Her situation seems even more complex with ties to a gang. As frustrated as I am that I donated money and I am pretty sure it went to gang activity I don’t regret trying to help. The take home message I got from this video is that we should all be focused on the youth of our society. We should all strive to raise our kids right and be mentors to those who come from a rocky background. My husband and I recently befriended a boy in the neighborhood whose father is a raging alcoholic. The three of us bonded over motorcycles and I hope if we can help nurture his interests it will keep him away from some of the dark sides of having a parent with an addiction. Thank you Mark for raising awareness.
