31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 560637 - Text:  @joeg6825  Yeah this video really made look at Mark differently. I highly doubt all the people that donate to the channel would have done so if they knew he was just gonna be this girl's sugar daddy

id: 560645 - Text: I sensed this in the last video

id: 560657 - Text: Watching her previous video, I was really hoping she would start working with a trauma specialist therapist. (A couple times a week to start) Without that level of support, healing and developing an awareness of patterns and all that, most people can't help but go back to what they know. Facing all she's gone through by herself, in her head, would prove too much for most everyone. I really wish she had gone straight to Mark when this guy came back into her life. I wish she had gotten into a protection program to keep her safe and out of reach. And I wish we as a society aren't failing so many people. I'm in awe of all Mark does, despite not having a societal, systemic set up that can help support and stabilize and change circumstances and provide trauma healing for people in these situations.He's one man, trying to correct generations of messed up. We need real change, systemic, aware and trauma-informed, if we expect this stuff to stop happening. Thank you for all you do, Mark. And for continuing to share reality with the world, no matter how brutal it is. This was heartbreaking to watch. I really hope her kids are safe. (I think they're part of how she's being controlled.)

id: 560673 - Text: Didn't she say in another video that she didn't even mess with Black guys?

id: 560693 - Text: On her first video I knew she couldn't be helped she was too entrenched in the streets I lived around prostitutes when I was homeless years ago and once a trick always a trick that's facts

id: 560700 - Text: Im sure it took a lot for her to even show up and face mark and the people here who knew her story, made donations, And wanted better for her. Even though she didnt say a lot there were a lot of things she expressed silently. She couldve just avoided Mark she couldve said she didnt want to do the video. Im sure she wouldve LOVED to keep that money to become more stable. Who wouldnt? Not saying she is completely faultless but as an addict myself Im just saying I understand what its like to have money from someone with good intentions and really wish to keep it and still have to let it go to a lifestyle I feel trapped in. Id get the money and cry the whole way there knowing it was gone feeling guilty and stuck

id: 560716 - Text: I really disagree with how this situation was approached and handled. You can relocate someone anywhere on the planet, but unless they have the tools to change the way their mind functions, nothing changes but the zip code. In addition to a general desire, there has to be a comprehensive treatment plan to even have a remote change at achieving long term results. FYI, there's no such thing as a casual meth user. The only innocent people in this story at this point are the children. And that includes you @MarkLaita. This was highly irresponsible on your part. And you know it. The waters are awfully murky here. Soft White Underbelly isn't a non profit, these videos are monetized, and you're taking significant donations and distributing them in ways that could do more harm than good - with zero accountability. That much was demonstrated when you gave her a thousand dollars more than once in the same day, money that went straight to her pimp. Who knows what he did with it. To whoever donates to this gofundme, think twice - do you want your money going to a pimp for god knows what? At best this was irresponsible. Do a little research, this isn't the first time. These go fund me campaigns should be tied directly to the individual, with funds managed by counselor, therapists, people with power of attorney, etc. None of that appears to be happening here. And who am I to make these statements? A former drug addict who's been to several residential treatment centers, spent time with gang members, been to prison, and now am sober 6 years. You might want to draw the line at documenting these stories, and find a better way to get them help via professionals and 12 step programs, half way houses etc. A cabin in the woods and a few grand is not the way.

id: 560719 - Text: Marl get her out of state. That's the only hope she will have. She will be re victimized again and again. Especially since she is still close enough they can reach her. They are watching these videos and see what you're doing for her

id: 560728 - Text: The guy just talking at her for the while she just sat there was so uncomfortable. SO many folk are commenting like ohh Pooor Mark.. seriously? Yall are blindsided. It's like he just gave her a public telling off with this video.. "Your behaviour seems more loyal to him than to me"..ugh. how creepy is this dude. She needs to get the help to build up enough basic self worth and confidence to learn to be loyal to HERSELF and try to fend for herself and her sons. He should not have been the one trying to help her directly. Some saviour complex or what. It was terribly naive..a bit of foresight wouldn't have gone amiss. This whole "interview" was so strange. What did he expect to get from this, other than ..pity? An ego rub?

id: 560730 - Text: You handled that so well Mark, I’m not sure I would have been as composed as you. It breaks my heart watching this. I had so much hope for her and her children. I think she was afraid to talk freely as on the last video she showed so much love for you and what you have done to help calling you a friend. Keep on doing what your doing, you are making a change for some of the most vulnerable. ❤️
