31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 560735 - Text:  @fohatadri  I'm debating reporting this to go fund me. He's literally posted a video here where people's donations went straight to a pimp. And apparently this isn't the first time that gofundme distributions were questioned around this channel

id: 560744 - Text: I stumbled across the first video of Asriah as a result of it popping up in my feed so I have now watched that, the follow up and now this one. Something about all of this with her story and Fly just does not add up. I just can't put my finger on it right now.

id: 560746 - Text: Mark. Sorry you got lied to but on another note, please be careful going to these apartments and meeting up with them. Sadly you can’t trust anyone. Stay safe and thank you for enlightening me everyday with these videos.

id: 560789 - Text: is not just money, Mark. She has a tattoo on her face that says to her everyday when she looks at the mirror what she is, what she has done, her fears and struggles. She needs therapy 24/7 for a period of time before having money in her hands, change of habits, move to a place that doesn´t remember her of all her problems, break contact with people that facilitate her drug addiction and prostitution. She needs someone that tell her worth everyday. Is not just giving money and hope for the best and scolding her in video because she failed what YOU expectated. Not empathetic at all. What seems practical, easy for you, is terryfing difficult for other people. You throwing on her face that you tried to help her and she was ungrateful for all your effort is just as abusive as her pimps manipulation behaviors.

id: 560799 - Text: I understand he put himself forward to help but I think this is more of a lesson for him than it is for her. I also believe its highly inappropriate to make a video shaming her, to think that you're going to come into these girls lives as a hero and completely save them is unrealistic. It's also quite dangerous especially if the pimp is known by local officials or competitors then she could be blamed and harmed. I think the support he offers is incredible but you're expectations as a support net need to be managed realistically.

id: 560827 - Text: Mark! I hope your okay! I've been watching all your videos for a while! All these people you help, it's very hard for them to change. My father has been an alcoholic for over 50 years. They have to make that choice for themselves! So many opportunities they let go, they can LEARN to be different and grow. They need to leave what they know. Leave what their comfortable with. Take that chance.

id: 560828 - Text: Asriah spoke so so less compared to the past two videos. Like its clear sort of that she just can't speak ...... and Mark , Asriah ...all know there's a problem ..but ....this really really is frustrating .... wish luck to her and courage .....

id: 560846 - Text: She looked and acted like a petulant child in this video. No gratitude, no shame for extorting thousands of dollars from Mark. She'll regret the day she rejected this assistance for the sake of her gang.

id: 560856 - Text: I had a feeling this would be the result but was hoping I was wrong. She didn’t seem happy at all to be out of the life, looking at the video before this one. This is clearly the life she wants and puts this man and this life in front of her children. She’s lost and a lost cause.

id: 560880 - Text: Aloha from Hawaii Mark, I am a professional photographer & videographer and a huge fan of your work. I just wanted to say that your photography is truly inspiring, your portrait work is some of the best I've ever seen. Your videography seems to be getting better and better with each video. The one thing I think you could improve on is your interviewing, I think these videos would greatly benefit from a few more thoughtful questions from you to really get into the mind of the subjects, especially with subjects like Asriah who are more reserved and less talkative. I say that with all respect and humility, you are very skilled in all other areas but a little preparation into more questions would go a long way I think. I know it must be hard to do everything yourself, maybe you could hire a camera operator so you could focus on the conversations. Anyway, great work as always. And if you are ever in Hawaii let me know if I can be of service, the sex-trafficking here in the islands has increased exponentially in the last few years and we have a huge homeless populations as well, I think a lot of great interviews could be made here. Thanks again for your work and all you do to try to help these people, it is really inspiring!
