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id: 516870 - Text: This just isn't the case. Most Thai trans women are not sex workers. Go to Thailand and you can see trans people working all sorts of regular jobs all over untouristed Thailand. Sure there are minority that are sex workers but it isn't the majority. My wife is a Thai trans woman. If you have any questions, just ask.

id: 516871 - Text:  @exnihilo415  Thank you for you reply. I’m not saying I don’t believe you trust me. But even if they work regular jobs during the day, at night they still engage in sex work. From my understanding it is the majority of Trans women in Thailand. But I have a question for you, so the trans who you say don’t engage in sex work, is it because they’re not in a tourist area? And do they move so they can be sex workers? Thanks

id: 516872 - Text:  @rahafabed9220  I am saying that most Thai trans women do not engage in sex work at any time of day or night. How much time have you spent out of the big cities in Thailand?

id: 516873 - Text:  @exnihilo415  I didn’t, that’s why I said I did a little research, but I said in my first comment I’ve spoken to a lot of Thai people working in the middle east which they’ve told me that’s the case. That’s why I asked you if these Thai Trans you’re talking about are not in tourist areas. But the two lady boys in the video they said they moved from their village to work as prostitutes in the city, which consists with what I learned that the majority of Trans in Thai are sex workers from Thai people. I’m asking this because this is a business that’s flourished in Thailand, people travelling from all the world to experience it, are you denying this fact? It’s not legal in Thailand! But no body get arrested cuz it brings money to Thailand through tourism. These are facts sir, and even here in the middle east a lot of men, married men specifically travel to find the lady boys. It’s a business plain and simple. I’m not saying that to judge these Trans people, I’m sure that they did what they have to do to survive. I’m simply stating the fact that everyone already knows. Thank u!

id: 516874 - Text:  @rahafabed9220  Let’s establish what I’m saying. Are there Thai trans sex workers? Yes. Are they the majority of the trans population? No. Is the resulting minority a significant percentage? Yes. Clearly those that do want to do sex work must move from the countryside to tourist areas where the market is. Those Thai trans sex workers that exist are first trans and then are sex workers second. Only in truly rare circumstances do guys transition, take hormones, get surgery specifically as some kind of business plan. These are the distinctions I’m making. There are hundreds upon hundreds of interviews with Thai trans sex workers on YouTube. Listen to several dozen or so and you’ll discover that they were trans first and then sex workers second. Or better yet actually go to Thailand and talk to several dozens of trans sexual workers and non sex workers as I have and you’ll come to understand this is the case. There are no actual LGBT statistics in Thailand let alone statistics of percentages of trans vs non trans sex workers. The only way to get a realistic feeling for this is DIY research. I’m certain between my Thai trans wife and all of the Thai LGBT people I know (dozens of which are close personal friends) and have talked to that I have more familiarly with this topic than random Thai people you’ve run into in the Middle East who are undoubtedly engaging in more hyperbole than reasonable demographic estimates. That’s what I’m saying. You can choose to believe me or not. Either way I encourage you to go to Thailand do your own personal research on this topic as I have for 20 years if you really want a better understanding.

id: 516883 - Text: I love Thailand, and I loved the all the lady boys personalities that I met when I was there. Unlike in Canada the UK or America were the MEN think their actual WOMAN after they transitioned. The transsexuals in Thailand are NOT delusional! They are aware they are men that have cosmetically transitioned to look like a woman. IE LADYBOYS Loved Thailand❤️🫶🏼🙏🏼👏🏼

id: 516885 - Text: Why are they always interviewed in sexy clothes?

id: 516904 - Text: Testosterone the mean and evil hormone!!!!!when u said the men are climbing all over that sex mall uck

id: 516918 - Text: There are other jobs. This is just a tough job that pays well. Some Thai trans women do sex work, most don’t. It’s all up to the individual.

id: 516924 - Text: Take the money they earned and make a small business just like the non trans sex workers do in Thailand.
