31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 560890 - Text: Not too surprised because when u have that childhood and life it takes a lot of correct mentorship and guidance to change the mindset. I think these people fall back into what they want to change because that’s all they know and that’s what’s comfortable and familiar. Imagine this young lady, alone, with her kids, and a video broadcasted of her current vulnerabilities. She’s a easy target. She said pimps were constantly calling her…. Mark seems like you have a big heart but please have limits as to how much money you help these troubled souls. Make them work for it through showing change with their behaviour, maybe committing to going back to school or a job program or rehab. You can’t do this all alone. These troubled people need professional help of every kind…

id: 560895 - Text: I honestly don’t know if she’s scared or just manipulated Marc, but she honestly choose to keep in contact with people you should’ve of not, but I can say this her face says why did I get myself into this. ASRIAH if your reading this GOD send Marc your way as a blessing this is not luck! The decisions you make affect your kids! Speaking from experience I know what it feels like to have emotional instability, I know what it feels likes to have support but still feel empty and confused, but I woke up and decided I needed to fight against negative thoughts and feelings. I know it’s hard but it’s POSSIBLE! I don’t know you but I have hope for you, I’ve watched this video more then once because I just can’t believe this is happening right now and it makes me upset. Don’t let fear of change perpetuate your mind. You are worthy of more then what those negative thoughts tell you!

id: 560897 - Text: "Blame the rich for not sharing their wealth?" Definitely a statement that shows the mentality of this man, that will cause him to continuously be used and manipulated, because he's blinded as to the root cause of these people's problems. It is not the wealthy not sharing their money that is the issue here, but the mentality of criminality of which these criminals have been indoctrinated that is the problem, along with the Democrat politician they continuously empower that keeps them impoverished, ignorant in failing schools, and dependent on the system and the streets to survive. As I commented in the second video, this young lady was not changed by the streets, beginning at 13 years old, she was formed by the streets. Before her brain was fully developed she was influenced by the evils of the street, the corruption and fraud that comes from learning to manipulate men and people in general for survival, and the seduction of the money she's become used to reaping at a level not obtainable with a nine to five job. She cannot help but hustle and lie and manipulate for money, because it is her very nature, just as being controlled is her very nature. If she survives until 40, it will be then that she finally has a change of mind, when her beauty has faded, her body has been abused and used, and the pimp will be hustling younger girls while she's forgotten and broken and begging for money. It's a sad course, but it is her future, if she survives.

id: 560904 - Text: I hope mark will be very careful now because after this video everyone he interviewed will think that they can get the same type of finacial help and when other people in really bad sitations dont get the same type of help they might get mad and think he only helped her with apartment , car , 400 to 2, 000 per day cash because shes young and pretty . people could become angry or jealous because they feel like if they were given even half of the chance she got they would change their lives totally. What he does for people is amazing , but i do worry that he could end up in a bad situation. He mentions she was up north on vacation and he sent her extra money she asked for 2, 000. Someone dealing with a bad addiction wanting drug money because their dealing with dopesickness could get violent when they dont get help like she did after they give their interviews . people who he interviewed might become angry that they are struggling to get by but this girl got all this extra donation money . no one is entitled to any of marks donation funds but some people think they are entitled to things sadly. also giving someone large amounts of cash and then cutting them off could make someone become very dangerous . what he is doing is so kind but their are bad people out there. People get attacked , robed or killed over petty things these days . he needs to be extra careful , hes such a kind and caring person 💖

id: 560906 - Text: Thank Dog she miscarried! Though I have no doubt she's gonna get pregnant again because irresponsible people breed like rabbits. From the bottom of my heart I hope she won't bring a third child into this misery (she's also visibly back on drugs, if she's ever stopped it, so she would harm her baby before he/she's even born). She has 2 sons (I know she's not the only one responsible for bringing them into existence) already whom she can't take care of and is maybe literally using to get free money. Heck she can't even take care of herself. The better way of breaking the cycle of abuse she very unfortunately inherited is through resilience but there's another one: don't reproduce. I have no problem empathizing with her. She went and is still going through so much trauma and obviously she's never deserved any of this. No wonder her brain is messed up. Now my tolerance stops at bringing her children, who've never asked for anything, into this mess. I hope they've been taken away from her and can grow up in a loving and safe environment. Also for the sake of the many lost persons who don't know their self-worth, please stop referring to this guy as her "boyfriend". I'm a complete stranger however I certainly care more about Asriah's well-being than this dude. He's nothing more than her pimp. An abuser she needs to free herself from. Finally, I know (at least I hope) Mark meant well though self-sabotaging people can't be trusted with managing their life. She's seemingly never gotten any good role model. She probably can't be expected to right all her wrongs once out of the streets without any support other than a financial one (even if it's already a lot to be financially secured). If you truly want to help these people, don't ever give them free money that they're gonna spend on drugs/alcohol or give to their abuser. Buy them food, hygiene products, the stuff needed to get back to school or find a safe job and more importantly therapy sessions. These are what they really need to start the safe life they've always deserved. Anyway here I am, sad for Asriah and her kids and for Mark for being scammed. While I doubt she's gonna live a long life, I still wish she'll find the strength and will to leave this environment soon and realize her true worth. She probably needs several tries. I also hope this unfortunate situation doesn't dissuade people from providing financial support to people who genuinely want to be saved. Thanks for making this video instead of just telling what happened. I wish she'd been able to speak more and tell the truth but this silence and her demeanor already speak volumes.

id: 560971 - Text: This breaks my heart so so so much like mark ur so amazing know how many people wish to find someone like you that encourage n support ppl out on right path like I cry watching these videos ppl don’t know what’s in front of them life is not easy 😢🥺🙏🏽

id: 560986 - Text: So upsetting. I was really rooting for you Asriah. And so was Mark. He was genuinely trying to help you and your babies. You really must not love your children as much as you led on. Because if you did, you would have taken the one and only opportunity that was in front of you to make a better life for yourself and for them. I see this video, and see how much you disregard Mark and his efforts to help you... how fucking disgusting. I can’t wish anything bad for you, but I do wish that you get what you deserve... that should be horrible enough. All I have a heart for, in this regard, are your babies. They deserve a better mother, one that loves them. I hope and pray that they grow up to forget who you are and live a much better and honest life than you ever gave a chance for them to have. I’ll pray for you Asriah, but you will decide what’s right.. you have control of what you want. Please don’t let a phony and lowlife man like “Fly” decide for you. Get away. Get far away. Don’t even do it for you at this point. Do it for your babies. Save them.

id: 560990 - Text:  @theeggtimertictic1136  not really. People give donations knowing that money goes to keep the channel going and for the people who need help. It costs money to make these videos and to share people’s stories.

id: 560998 - Text: I watched all the videos on this woman, and the man doing this video is giving me major 'I am just another pimp of a different type' vibes. Even before this video that was the feel of this interaction. He interrupts her, he's offering her up in intimate detail on Youtube to viewers who have no right to that information, he entered her living space without permission, he offers money and shelter on contingency...I mean, there's got to be a better way here. This 'relapse' was 100% predictable.

id: 561080 - Text: i knew how this would end from the beginning of the video because i see so much of my mom in her . my moms still a meth addict and she has no intention of changing or SETTLING for us . it’s a little too late for me because at 19 i’ve accepted the fact that she will not change even though she says that she will . growing up with parents who resort to this kind of lifestyle will teach you a lot . you can tell that they’re using in many different ways , and i see that she is with the subtle movements she makes in these videos . one thing i learned about my mom is that she’s a compulsive liar , and even having evidence in front of her face , she will deny it and make up lies on the spot . Had mark not confronted her she truthfully would have convinced him otherwise . I could tell Mark was hurt , & that’s normal but it’s something you grow accustomed to when being around addicts . all you can do is feel bad for not being able to change them . that’s something they have to really want for themselves . it’s depressing but it’s the sad truth .
