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id: 50233 - Text: With few, if any, exceptions, women who do porn were molested as children. Many men also. Both men & women who struggle with sexual identity, early on especially, were sexually abused. If you're 'anti-paedophilia,' know that virtually all 'actors' were molested &/or sexually abused children.

id: 50240 - Text: She reminds me of a girlfriend I had in high school. She was the happiest, most upbeat, sweetest girl I had ever met. It wasn't hard to fall for her. I found out later that while we were in school she was being sexually assaulted by her brother. She said something to me once, "No matter how bad its gotten, no matter what I might be going through, I've always been all smiles" and it lowkey broke my heart that we were all so oblivious. We broke up shortly after. She was still in touch with her brother back then but I hope she isn't now.

id: 50242 - Text: Luna is so beautiful, inside and out. I pray she gets help from someone who will get her into modeling outside of the sex industry.

id: 50287 - Text: I just want to say her husband doesn't love her, its not love to watch you having sex with others because its turned him on, he is just another pervert. I hope she will find a peaceful life and be happy with her son.

id: 50324 - Text: First off, her idea of love is so skewed and damaged. You need to understand she doesn't love it, based on her weirdos comment and the verbal abuse she gets, the crying, the feelings of abandonment, the attitude that everything's great. She doesn't love being degraded by porn, she loves feeling wanted, desired and to belong. Alot of abuse victims are hyper sexual and use their bodies to get what they think love is. Her self worth is nonexistent. The men commenting on her being hot is so inappropriate and disgusting. Your ignoring the entire story of how she got there is the key here. It never surprises me when abused women turn to drugs,prostitution or porn. I cant tell you how many men I've heard say these women love doing porn,enjoy it even the degrading rough stuff. They don't. And these are the wounded creatures you're really watching. Its disturbing anyone can enjoy watching the abusive degradation they endure in rough porn. It should be banned

id: 50341 - Text: She said her husband likes to watch her have sex with other men. I feel bad for her because deep down inside this life style can't really make you happy.

id: 50356 - Text: I've noticed that some of the sex workers, most often the porn actresses, who were abused in their past seem to use their sex work almost as a way to regain control. Kinda like... since THEY'RE DECIDING to sell their body, they're no longer a victim. No one is TAKING anything from them. They're choosing to give themselves to someone..... If that makes sense.

id: 50408 - Text: So that husband who supposedly loves her who "knows what she's been through " is gonna subject her to more emotionless degrading sex?! Husband/pimp/cuck. What are this guy's skills?! Date up, lady! She could possibly really model for catalogs and stuff, wtf?! Ugh! She seems coached and c'mon, you never did any drugs? I call bs! No way to clean up and be hired by a reputable agency unless it is called 2nd Chances. Sad, but that is how women are really treated! The worst part will be when her kid finds it on the internet. I had a friend who died recently and I hadn't known what she was into really but I had a very old friend who had ended up being her neighbor and that's how she and I had run into each other again. She called from across the driveway when I was gonna go back south and we had a few drinks and she smoked crack in her closet. He calls me a couple mos later crying because she died in her bed next door. He saw the stretcher and everything. Then he did research on the internet and found her sucking the shlong of a rando who makes street walker pages here in RI obvi against her knowledge and she looked so high and eager to please and it was our mission to get that off of the internet! The children, ugh. She can do better. As Judge Judy says "Beauty fades but dumb is forever". The more that women portray themselves as tools for men, things will really not change. Btw, I'm not ugly or jealous nor easily influenced and turned down Playboy but glad I grew up with better parents that educated me! Is ten grand in the late 90's worth sacrificing your character? Interview her in 20 years! She is not entirely to blame because she wasn't educated upon these matters and it just sucks all around because she seems to be still searching for real love. Hope she doesn't become cast aside.

id: 50412 - Text: This shows the kind of world that exists for kids who have no one. This kid has been through hell and every time you watch pornoraphy you perpetuate this exact misery. From top to bottom every agent every viewer every cameraman etc is complicit. For her to feel like she's empowered is the only way to get her head around the fact that her entire life is based around being sexually abused, and abandoned. Even now her "loving" husband gets off on her being used sexually so he and other people can make $. Its sad as hell and speaks volumes on how eager society is to prey upon a pretty girl.

id: 50463 - Text: people who aren't in the sex industry just dont understand us women could possibly ok with being naked and having sex on camera
