31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 561229 - Text: My mum worked on the streets too. To fund her heroine addiction. It seems to me that in this video she seems quite afraid and detached and is very likely being threatened and controlled. It's hard to make an assumption based on this.

id: 561239 - Text: You do know the videos are edited, right? They could be manipulated that way but also she wasn't really raised by any one and I'm sure no One is apologizing to get or thanking her for anything on a daily basis.... Point being it's probably not something she does or is used to doing. Weird how most of you are more offended than mark. He understands why but none of you do. Why even watch?!?!

id: 561258 - Text: Mark plz don't say how much money you are giving to help ppl . They will see this video and start asking for more money. Someone could take you hostage or hurt you I have seen it happen just plz be careful dont give all your trust

id: 561262 - Text: I haven't watched this video yet but Chirp Wheel's Karen commercial best shit I've ever seen

id: 561289 - Text: Mark you might consider Alanon. You're doing the Lord's work and have probably heard more boozendopesexcontrol stories than anyone in Alanon; I am also certain Asriah is not your first profound disappointment. Your voice in this video seems more disturbed than your other work and I hope you have some help on-hand.

id: 561308 - Text: Given a bit of time she may reflect on all this after watching the videos back and decide to change, I don't think you've seen the last of her, I hope she does, she seems like she has enough good inside her to break away from this life at some point.

id: 561310 - Text: I just watched the 3 videos about her back to back for the first time, and it felt like he was interviewing 3 completely different people! In this video she seems mad, annoyed, like she doesn’t even care to be there, she even seemed ungrateful to me, which is sad really, because after the last two videos i had so much hope for her! God bless you for your kind heart and actions! And hopefully she realizes that this lifestyle will just damage her kids, who are the ones that matter the most🙏🏻

id: 561330 - Text: $300 or $400 a day to this chick and her kids? Get real, dude. That's $12,400 monthly at a minimum. No one needs that kind of cash daily or monthly. Mark, love the videos, but you are as dumb as can be, or you're full of it about what's going on here. Being kind and helpful is a wonderful thing, but you have to be smart about it. Actually, sounds like you might have been getting something out of it too though. I seem too smart to be so stupid and grossly irresponsible with money. If those were viewer donations then you should be ashamed for being so utterly negligent. There's more to this bs than meets the eye. Driving past her place going to the gym and, she's not there.....etc....hmmmmm. A little too convenient that she's easily watched and actually sounds a bit obsessive on your part. You don't get through this world being a professional photographer and an idiot too. I remember reading an interview you gave. You were questioned about exploitation and these very people on this show. You succinctly stated that everything in the world is exploitation. You stated that businesses exploit a consumers need for merchandise, etc. So, if this is just mutual are getting a bit too emotionally involved. Now, I didn't quote you exactly because I don't have the interview in front of me....but the gist is spot on. You're a decent guy it seems, but if you keep playing around with these people on the street, they are going to hurt you eventually. These are not the Whittakers we're talking about. A lot of these people really are just the scum of the earth, man. They don't do the things they do because they have to; they do it because they love it. I hear this nature vs nurture theory all the time, and you're even spouting that nonsense and realizing it's bogus simultaneously in this exact video. There might be some minute validity to it, but some people are just rotten through and through regardless and want to place the responsibility of their actions upon the shoulders of others. As for hell with her, man. She's a Crip alright...a cripple in her little pea brain You might be too though. I quote, " your behavior it seems more loyal to him than to me." What did you expect, genius? She didn't do things according to your plan, huh? offense, but who are you, man?

id: 561353 - Text: Yep I called it from the second video. She didn't seem genuine.

id: 561357 - Text: Just read your pinned comment, Mark. So you used her, right? Nothing to do with her situation or her children. You used her. You also used her children. Mark, your videos will not make any man stay with a woman. They won't. You giving Asriah money won't do that. Of course it's much more complicated than that! You simply put her and her children at risk. You are no better than her customers. She recognised that in you. That's why she was drawn to you. I really hope you don't do this again. I can't support your channel any further. I wish you well but please stop doing this to vulnerable women and their families.
