31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 561672 - Text: I’m not mad at Asriah, just disappointed. But once you come from abuse it’s really hard to deprogram that abuse and want better for yourself. It’s really hard to leave that life that you know. She’s still so young and she still has opportunity. She’s not saying anything in the video because she feels guilty, she’s probably beaten down so much at this point. All I want her to do is make it. I hope she will find the strength to finally leave someday.

id: 561679 - Text: there’s nothing brave about it she came for the money 100% I bet she got paid to be in this video. The way she sits and holds her had is infuriating and that smug smile makes me wanna puke. She’s sorry she got caught 🤬🤬🤢

id: 561774 - Text: Mark please don’t give up on her…I’ve been in the same situation it’s hard to get your mind set right when you’ve been in the situation for years and what she said in the last video that when her kids need more than you have you resort to what you know I’ve been out the game for years but when I think about how I’m struggling financially and the needs of my family it’s easy to let your mind say go turn a quick a date and you’d be good but I found God but it took many many years and hard work please I beg you don’t stop

id: 561786 - Text: Mental rehabilitation… an individual has to be reprogrammed to behave and think differently from all the horrible stimuli they grew up around. It’s one thing to tell someone “there’s a better life for you” but it’s another thing for someone like Asriah to believe it and live it after so many traumatic things that have happened to her. Plus she mentioned in a previous video she has drug issues so you add in another layer of therapy for drug addiction. It took her 25+ years to believe her reality is the only reality that exists on this planet … it would probably take many many years of intense therapy and her will/grit to truly change that reality into what we think is a “normal life.” There are so many triggers that cause people in her situation to go right back to what they are comfortable doing, even though others in society may think “how is being a drug addiction prostitute comfortable?” It’s the one thing in her life she has perfected because it’s what’s she has done for decades and it’s not about what is comfortable to you and I, it’s what is comfortable for her. Yes, Unfortunately yes the cycles are very hard to break.

id: 561801 - Text: If nothing else, watching these videos got me to quit drinking cold turkey a month ago. Good choices require a clear mind. So easy to mess up a life. I am not taking any chances. Also, I am very impressed that the three of you shared this outcome on video honestly. What a mess! Good luck to all.

id: 561813 - Text: This video was so creepy I’d love to know how much he is banking off this exploitation.

id: 561817 - Text: Hey i quit cold turkey too, after finding these videos! Wild eh? Anwyays, good job! the third month is the best feeling knowing your clean minded, im month 4 and love it. I wish you success and happiness :)

id: 561839 - Text: Why don't you help some of the older women sometimes?Sometimes they are even sick!!! It appears like You only try to help the young attractive girls. Why didn't you offer to help the one lady who committed suicide? Maybe I'm wrong and you have offered help to some of the older woman behind the scenes. If that is the case I'm sorry, but I have never seen you make a video where you have offered the same type of help to those older women. Some of the older woman might actually change with help. Well it is your money so it is up to you who you want to help. This is heartbreaking and makes me feel terrible. This is the 3rd young lady that I'm aware of that has taken advantage of this life saving type of help. It's to bad that this girl didn't realize how lucky she was to get a chance like this. She just had to go and and blow it all away. Maybe she was lonely. I really feel sorry for her children!!! So sorry Mark that this happened again. I know how hopeful you were that she would end up getting outof this life. For a while she was actually doing better. Anyway Hopefully she will try and get away from this life eventually. This is still my favorite channel on YouTube!!!

id: 561894 - Text:  @ivanacvijetinovic5317  see his SMU video where he explains the project and his m.o.

id: 561918 - Text: Yep mark is beyond a great literally from the insest people to her he helps get money dontated and getting these people a way out and living a decent life but he's right he cannot give thousands of viewer dollars to a woman who gives it to some scumbag ass dude so I agree he's right and she cannot even explain herself so being a recovering heroin and Xanax addict was for 15 years I can say she's far from being where we want to see because any real addict or person with mental issues knows the first step is being honest and until then she will never change so if she would own up to it then I would respect her but she isn't so she is beyond marks and my help because I did donate as well so people have to own it and except the truth so this video imo shows that the boyfriend actually seems to try to own up to his actions but it's far From him wanting help because Marks right your both lying and not ever speaking the truth when this man was giving her thousands idk that people realize that other then donation viewers so people who don't haven't realized that mark is giving them thousands she had soich go fund me money it's crazy especially during covid times if spent right and doing right her fund money would have lasted all 2022 and longer maybe of used right fr but marks doing the right thing imo because the viewers are donating for her not him so little do both know they just fucked there selves from money and help that would do beyond good for them and them kids I feel sorry for them the most because a ex prostitute or active still? A gang banger /pimp is nothing for kids to be raised around smh mark is the kindest soul and helps people because he loves to help people not for YouTube and fame he really cares about people and I love that he does and respect him alot for it she should have said that he's a gang member pimp and of she can't get away be honest and mark could have put her in a different county get her a apartment and change her phone number social media and all that and he wouldn't know where she even is he definitely is a father so he wouldn't be wanting to see the kids of he's the dad??? Either way she just fucked her self from the best help we can give fr smh I still hope she makes it for the kids sake and hers even his everyone can change but right now there not ready to at all it's clear as day I know when I was homeless and doing heroin daily and Xanax also when I could afford both and I was doing alot of shit I'm still ashamed to admit but it's the part of the process to heal yourself and change so if she was ready for help she would do right period. Imo because when I was homeless and just had got into a methadone clinic and finally said fuck this shit fuck heroin and Xanax I would have loved to have a mark I'm my life anyone from our shoes would there's 99 percent of selfish people that don't care and there's 1 percent and marks apart of that as myself so take these people helping you and run with never look back I did and didn't have a mark and go fund me but I changed now granite I take methadone and some say that's not sober but to me and the med studies I've done it is because if me taking methadone has got me a job a car my own place and never had cost me anything bad like losing a job etc then to me it is sober living it's made my life better every way so it's sober to me now I will say that I would be off by now and still plan to be one day but I have a incurable disease called Achalasia it's where my esphogus doesn't open or close at the stomach anymore so food and even water gets stuck and won't pass so I would have to puke it up I lost all my weight and only weighed 98 pounds at one point and was just dying from malnutrition and the drugs made that worse So I found a Dr and they have a procedure called the poem and heller myotomy and the poem was better for me so got it done and can get food to pass but only small bites and have to drink after every bit but that's fine with me if I can atleast get food down but it's a procedure where they cut your muscles at the esphogus to allow food and gravity to force it through but that then allows acid reflux to come back up because my Les stays open basically so I get severe heartburn that's just excruciating about 3 times a week but I would do it again and don't regret my decision. So that's why I cannot get off right now because I'm dealing with that excruciating acid reflux pain and esphogus spasms and there also excruciating so until I get these issues under control better I can't get off because I don't want to stop and have times of excruciating pain from my disease and that lead me back to heroin because of my chronic pain so doing this the smart way and waiting. But anyway sorry for this long ass essay message lol sorry guys I just get to talking away when I'm driving lol and this is voice text so that only makes me have a longer message 😂 sorry y'all fr hope anyone watching that's having addiction issues or mental health and needs someone to talk to feel free to message me fr yall again sorry for long ass message
