31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 562007 - Text: This is so deeply heartbreaking. It's hard to put words to the level of heartbreak. I think this needs to be said though, this video is a good metaphor for how we all choose to be enslaved within systems of abuse choosing not to fight for freedom in our own lives. I really feel her dilemma. I hope everyone who watches this video looks for ways that we are enslaved in our own lives. For example, the debt system and the federal reserve is personified in this pimp sitting beside this beautiful, intelligent, courageous, young mother. The pain and trauma she is headed toward brings tears to my eyes and it is similar to the pain and trauma we are collectively headed toward in this country if we don't change the debt enslavement of people. She had the opportunity to be supported, respected, and fulfilled as a free woman. I blame the abuse systems in place today that perpetuate intergenerational trauma passed alone to each new generation. Mark, your work is incredible. You must be crushed. We all see how much you love and care for the people you help. I think your efforts are not lost. This experience has changed her and planted seeds of freedom in her. I will hold her in my heart and see her drawing up the strength to get free again. I hope everyone who sees this video thinks critically about how we are enslaved like this amazing mother. Peace and love.

id: 562008 - Text: She is terrified of him. This video is heartbreaking.

id: 562019 - Text: It’s a defense mechanism in response to shame. Also, she’s sitting next to an abuser in half the video while he lingered outside before coming in… come on.

id: 562039 - Text: Mark, I love your channel, your videos, and what you do. But please be careful. You piss off the wrong gang member by trying to get too involved or pry too much into their lives and things get messy, so just please be careful. Also, I’d advise you to possibly take some courses on how to speak about trauma and such. I understand the frustration you’re probably feeling regarding Asriah’s choices, but there were a few times it almost felt as though you were scolding a child and it made me cringe a little. No hate though, just some constructive criticism i thought I’d point out.

id: 562070 - Text: Her face looks bruised... gosh, the look on her face and that silence. I can tell she wants a different life but she is just a young lost girl who is probably very scared of what gang will do to her or her kids. In your previous video she looked so full of life, so motivated and in this video she looks dead inside. It hurts my heart.

id: 562160 - Text: Good video. Your the man mark.

id: 562161 - Text: I'm so sad for both of them☹️. I watched the first video 3 days ago and I felt really bad for her. Then watched the second one yesterday and felt so happy for her and her children 'cause they were finally receiving help and love. But today's video, WoW... It just broke my heart. After watching the second video I had so many faith on her and her situation. But what just happened... I'm so sorry for both of you. I wish her better future desicions . And are just incredible, I wish this world had more people like you, not only with your same intentions or hope, but with your same strengh. I can't even imagine how hard and hopeless it has to be sometimes. Much love ❤️

id: 562177 - Text:  @learntobake2023  He's also making money off of their stories and appearance in his videos. So, there's that. Mark could also be having sexual relationships with these good looking women. He is a man after all. I kind of felt some of that from his voice honestly.

id: 562181 - Text:  @jayhopkins7580  have you watched many of his videos…that is a gross thing to say…I don’t get that vibe from Mark at all…as for making money…YouTube demonitized his channel long ago

id: 562186 - Text:  @jayhopkins7580  I read in comment in his old video that he is gay and already has a partner
