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id: 517511 - Text: I see individuals making comments in here claiming how they wish individuals like this were accepted in the USA more. Mark Laita even made the comparison between Thailand and the USA on how transgenders are or are not accepted. You all are making an unreasonable comparision. Natty and Muk refer to themselves as what they are which are men who have made themselves appear as women. They refer to themselves as so called "Ladyboys." That is different from the insanity going on in the USA right now with individuals claiming they really are the opposite sex from how they were physically born. Individuals who get angry and attack if you simply acknowledge the fact that they can't magically claim they really are the opposite sex and expect everyone to agree with that. Individuals who get angry and attack if you simply don't accept them using a women's restroom if they are a physical man who prefers to dress and refer to himself as a woman. Individuals who get angry if you don't accept men competing in womens sports. This is all so ridiculous it's not even worth arguing about because it goes no where with insane people. The reality is the majority of individuals don't appear to mind if someone wants to dress like the opposite sex or be homosexual. The problem is when those individuals start claiming they really are the opposite sex because that's how they feel. That's either stupid or insane. Maybe both. I speculate as to why this has been pushed in such a steadfast manner and I believe it may have something to do with these individuals not wanting to accept they are a homosexual so the claim they are really the opposite sex and that's why they are attracted to individuals who are the same sex as them. They usually appear to have mental disorders in a wide variety of ways as well which would add something to consider as to why they make the claims they do while lacking reason and logic. In these modern times, parents of homosexual children seem to declare their children the opposite sex once their child shows interests in things which more often are preferred by the opposite sex. They start grooming the child to be the opposite sex when the fact is the child may just be more feminine or masculine or they may be homosexual and their nature is displaying itself. Children are absorbing information and discovering who they are and some adults are grooming them to be what they want them to be rather than who the children naturally are. It makes sense mental disorders then occur at a higher probability. It seems as if homosexuals don't exist anymore because so many people are claiming to be the opposite sex or parents are grooming children once they have homosexual feelings. Think about that now. As crazy as it is, parents feel more comfortable claiming their kid is really the opposite sex than how they were born rather than simply accepting their child as a homosexual. Again, these individuals Natty and Muk are not the same as the current trans movement in the USA. They admit they are men. They are comfortable knowing this and not hiding it. They simply prefer to look like a woman. That is strange but everyone has a right to be as strange as they prefer to be as long as they are not causing any loss, threat, or harm to anyone else. They are not demanding you refrer to them as women because thats what they really are. They are "Ladyboys" and they are honest about that. They don't have all the rage and anger spewing from them, like the modern day distorted trans movement in the USA, because they are honest with themselves and everyone else. Most people have no problem with others as long as they are honest and don't force personal feelings or beliefs on others. The modern day trans movement in the USA is full of unreasonable psychopaths who want to fight and force you to accept their beliefs which contradict science. If only all trans people acted like Natty and Muk, we all could accept one another quite a bit better.

id: 517521 - Text: Except that they’re fucking other women’s husbands. Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional….

id: 517541 - Text: They are Trans because selling themselves sexyally is a meal ticket for them that would be unavailable if they were men. 100% about money, all that strength stuff is bs

id: 517545 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips purchase sex with prostitutes and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless.

id: 517596 - Text: ​ @sciencenotstigma9534 sexual exploitation is not sweet

id: 517603 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional….

id: 517629 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional.

id: 517638 - Text: People are people. I've only just started watching this episode. But we should respect people for who they are. It would bother me chatting or being friends with "ladyboys" who cares. It's sad they have to result to sex work

id: 517642 - Text: Mark is gonna be cancelled for saying he likes regular women. The demonic dem9crats say you are transphobic if you refuse to have sex with a man that thinks hes a woman. Mental illness reigns supreme the the good ole U S of Gay.

id: 517656 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional.
