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id: 562552 - Text: I agree with this. I think Mark knows all this — and knows showing the raw goes both ways and it’s so important to see how much impact our choices have on everyone. This is such a frightening video but so important.

id: 562581 - Text: I do respect Mark so much I like his videos but i think he has to keep distance of personal relations.A lot of people deserve an oportunity ,others no.

id: 562604 - Text: Knew it. And some many of you were fooled by her last video. So gullible

id: 562649 - Text: I wonder if the Pimp watched these videos and makes it worse because of these…….

id: 562659 - Text: The naivety of these 4 comments. I don’t really comment much but this is just dumb. This girl has been involved in the gang life for over a decade. These people are not only master manipulators but straight up dangerous. You think because Mark helped her move across town that they just all said, “aww man, Asriah is across town and getting her life together we give up, let’s let her move on guys”. HELL NO. They tracked her down, threatened her, and most likely used her kids against her. You have no idea what she’s going through, in addition to that drug addiction is a disease and no matter how much someone wants to be clean it will beat them down regardless of how strong they are. IMO she legitimately looked ashamed but just had no words. You want to talk about her being speechless? Imagine someone you’ve watched do very bad things to people breathing down your neck waiting for you to say something they’ll severely punish you for. Im not saying what she did was right or trying to justify it. I’m simply saying the odds were heavily stacked against her. There are literally entire programs dedicated to help the toughest gang members get out of that life much less a petite female. So saying she was given a free lottery ticket and she just had to walk away is a bit of a stretch. It was going to be a major uphill battle. I can only hope she lives long enough to try again another day. Even Mark mentions this happens often in the video. That says he is choosing wisely. He’s giving everyone a chance knowing the odds are stacked against them but because it’s donations he has to move on and focus on one’s winning their battle. I’m sure even Mark would disagree with your comments.

id: 562660 - Text:  @ArtemusXi  those are not naive comments. They come from disappointment. Nobody watching these videos thinks it's easy to live her life. But it's normal for us to hope that she could have been an exception.

id: 562670 - Text:  @Smorgasbord.  Did you even listen to the video? At first things were going great….let’s not forget about that. SOMETHING happened at some point that caused things to change. Notice she hardly says anything, I don’t think she’s necessarily happy with herself nor do I think she was happy to “rip up” her lottery ticket. I truly do think she wanted to say sorry but may be hesitant to show remorse, because clearly she is not in control here. I’m not saying she was right but I wonder if the people saying these bad things about her have learned anything from Mark’s videos. It’s not as simple as providing someone with money, it’s therapy, counseling, and basically attempting to unlearn what they’ve known for their whole lives.

id: 562751 - Text: I’m so pissed at her man.. as a mother and coming from the hood , I just don’t get how she could choose that life for her kids. I was really rooting for her, when I saw this video on my feed I got so happy to see her face, after watching this she just broke my heart. I’m sorry Mark.

id: 562759 - Text: The thing is I wanted to say on the last video, the chances of change when she doesn't have a new support network are slim to none. I'm not sure why you didn't have this convo off camera if you were trying to separate them.

id: 562768 - Text: ​ @Lisa Rodriguez I hear ya. In the beginning, he talks about the plan. Talks about what he did for her. Then talks about getting her money. And lays it in about the amounts. These are all social admonishments that serve no purpose really, other than to suppress her. And when he says I figured I would use the bathroom in your apartment since I am paying for the place. As 'tough love' as it can come off as, it can still be tough and not be dominating (he over her). Many of the videos with discussions about Pimps, those are all things they characterize and display to the audience and to the ladies they have with them. Even to educate the audience on the details of the situation leading up to this video or this change in their relationship, things like I did this for you, I did that for you, since I did this, etc, etc. Can be changed to, we setup this option to use, we setup this plan to work off of. Showing that is the group, not the individual, who comes up with these things. And as a group, these plans are set in stone. And leave the values out of it. Can say hundreds and thousands, but not 1k, 2k, etc. And Asirah tightens her expression, focuses forward and kind of purses her lips when she is putting up her social walls (not trying to characterize or call things out, just details that to me, look like red flags of trauma response). He adds a bunch of color detail about the kinds of things in the apartment. Totally unneeded. Can say there was no sign that kids lived there (toys, schoolwork or educational stuff, or even looked like kids had been there). As she talks about her side, her demeanor changes. And this is all around her line of business. So she may be treating Mark like a client in his behavior. Then he gets to the point where he pretty much says he is more important than this, so since she is not following the plan, he is out. Totally get it. Just poorly played out. It can be led with something like, this puts me in a hard place. We want to help. We want to do this. However, we have to stick to this plan. Is so and so offering a better plan? What does a better plan look like? Is this get more money sooner to get out? Etc. etc. totally different conversation.
