31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 562797 - Text: She looks so uncomfortable in this video, it’s so sad. Like she knows but can’t say it. Thanks for all you do Mark.

id: 562813 - Text: The channel doesn't generate much at all. Most video's are demonitized. There is a GoFundMe campaign for the interviewees, and lots of people donated for her.

id: 562819 - Text: From her previous videos, she seemed happy. But with this video, she could not say anything due to her Pimp (Slave Owner). She must be submissive or the consequences of her life and her children will be devastating. Human Trafficking is huge World wide.

id: 562865 - Text:  @babylonhasfallenunderthede8761  Imagine interjecting politics in every little way to make yourself feel superior. You're literally another mind controlled person. You have to turn everything into something political when it has nothing to do with the video. You're also a racist by assuming just because they're black they're a certain way. Be gone!

id: 562872 - Text: My heart is breaking. I saw the last video about her and she was doing well and seeking a better life. What happened !! Never stop trying...

id: 562875 - Text: MARK man keeping being amazing… she had it.. she lost it…. but… lets hope (like u said) that the crips dont come knocking… u may need to call johnnie.. he said at the end of his video he will always have your back… u may need him… keep on keeping on man.. dont let this or the “shouldve couldve wouldves picknu apart.. this world neeeeeeds amazing people like u and the one girl.(the girl that helps get people in rehabs ) WE NEED MORE LIKE U GUYS….. (and johnnie) hahahaha

id: 562904 - Text: For Mark: This video hurt. I cannot imagine being in Mark’s shoes, knowing how much you have tried to help someone become a better version, giving them everything they need for not only themselves but for their children, only for it to end in deceit and greed. Mark, I truly hope this does not taint your outlook in wanting to help, wanting to see the good in people or wanting so desperately for them to turn their life around. Sadly and truthfully some people cannot change, it’s instilled in their being. Ironically, Asriah is wearing the very word we all had for her. It’s disappointing but it’s also a hard-hitting realisation that life is not a fairytale and sometimes a seemingly perfect narrative doesn’t have a happy ending. I hope you remain safe Mark, you’re a truly wonderful being🤍.

id: 562920 - Text:  @TeKeyaKrystal  Sounds like typical liberal idealism, lack of personal accountability to me. It's always somebody else's fault, and never enough free hand outs. Summed up best at the end of the video, "Can't really blame you for anything. Maybe it's your parents, your grandparents, role models. You can blame education, blame poverty, blame the rich for not sharing their wealth, etc..." lol

id: 562933 - Text: i see that a couple of people here in the comments are expressing anger towards her and confused as to why Mark isn’t blaming either of them but it’s just as he said in the video he can’t blame Fly bc that’s all he’s ever known. when you’re dealing with trauma, you cannot place blame on people because they don’t know another way of life therefore they will always be living in survival mode.

id: 562934 - Text: Mark, i dont know, normally I am quite good at understanding peoples intentions. But somehow I think that Asriah is involved herself in that stuff. I totaly agree that she is probably pressured by this 30 year old boy, but nonetheless I dont like the point view, from which you are not guilty for anything because you always blame someone else. I totally endorse your attitude to help these people, but I want you to watch out and to not get too emotionally involved. Sometimes people need to help themselves, and if you get too much involved it could harmyourself. However all the power to you, I love you videos! You inspire me in so many ways!
