31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 562937 - Text: Watching this video begs the question: What percentage of people that he has or have plans to help, end up taking advantage of his generosity? If the percentage of people who are scammers is too high, then what should he do? Or maybe there could be a checks and balance system in place where all the money that he gives out is accounted for so far less money is lost.

id: 562956 - Text: When I am having financial trouble, I have a VERY hard time asking anyone for help - particularly financial help. One time a long time ago, I had to ask for help paying my mortgage. I remember it like it was yesterday because it felt so wrong to ask for money. It blows my mind how someone can casually ask someone for $25 here, $500 there, $2000 there. I don't understand. Then again, I've never been in her position. These videos cause me to truly think about how blessed my life has been. Even though I've never had a lot of money by any stretch of the imagination, having an at least mostly stable family and good upbringing is a gift. More than I ever knew at the time.

id: 563004 - Text: It's probably good that she was still willing to do this video and that Fly was too, I hope she is able to turn things around for herself and maybe they'll both find their way to something better for them (hard for anyone, not them, to determine what that looks like). It's hard to really help or influence people though, especially if there's any sort of emotional involvement. When you give someone some sort of support, financially or timewise, you gotta expect it won't actually help them or that it might even turn on you in some way. It's still oftentimes worth doing as long as you don't take things personally. Being too involved somehow never goes well, and I oftentimes feel like guilt plays too great a factor to the detriment of everyone. If you could help connect people to more consistent resources, like a counselor or something, perhaps that would be best for you and for them? Maybe low self worth is a part of why people get stuck in certain cycles, but I honestly think a lot of people just plain don't know how to do things differently and it's really hard to teach that or make new habits for someone. Oftentimes these sorts of changes in people aren't just incremental, but due to an event that's totally out of anyone's control. Of course, I'm a bit biased from being bitter and tired, although I still hold on to some hope that things will improve for people. Plus, there are always exceptions to the rule, just don't expect to find one.

id: 563019 - Text: Mark, Mark, Mark. You have to protect yourself. You are on the WWW telling the world that you give out money and cars to women with troubled pasts. You are setting yourself up to be hustled. You need a new approach. If step one is change your number and she refuses, STOP! It is that simple. When people are ready to change their lives, they will show you. If they are not ready to change their lives, they will show you that, as well. I support an orphanage in Kenya. Each month I receive photos and video of the children discussing the food/supplies that were purchased as well as an itemized list with the price. I request this from a Catholic nun. I trust, but verify. So when you are dealing with street people, you must require the utmost proof of their cooperation. Just my advice. I commend you for reaching out and helping people in need. I respect your efforts, but please be careful with your time, your money, and your heart. God Bless you!!

id: 563025 - Text: This whole video just seems like mark tryinng to publicly humiliate this woman because she made decisions He doesn’t approve of. So horrible and condescending

id: 563028 - Text: After watching her last two videos I really had high hopes for her. And I'm really sad that she didn't keep down the right path but I'm not judging because I have been there.

id: 563047 - Text: In one of the previous videos she says how much she makes everyday, which was a lot! I don’t even earn that in a month, and what she asked for in a day I don’t even make in a week! It’s very sad that she would go back to a pimp knowing his going to take everything, and she has to do all the hours of work! Even his clothes and jewelry is better than what she’s wearing! It’s just so sad, in cases like these, one has to hit rock bottom to finally realize that you need to make a change in your life. Especially when you have kids, another blessing I am unable to have. I will pray for you, God is good and it’s never to late to make a change. Even if it means you could die trying! May God continue to protect you and your kids ❤️Love all the way from Cape Town 🇿🇦

id: 563053 - Text: 💔 .. video just started and I'm just so sad ... I really thought this would've been the person to really show me and us that things can change when you get real help .. They say money changes people .. I pray I never lose my way if I ever get the help that was given by Mark . . . I'm so sad rn...

id: 563062 - Text:  @selbee9025  I understand your point. I do. You don't have to be from the streets to understand how addiction works and all that it entails. I've taken advantage of many kind-hearted people while in active chaotic drug use. Some of them never caught on to what I was doing. I have a grandmother that has essentially enabled me for the last 10 years. It wasn't until about 2017 when I really decided to delve into recovery. When I did while in a recovery center she was the first person I called to tell what I had been doing over the last decade. I begged her to please never give money again. Told her I loved her and that I appreciated that she had always been there for me but that I had taken advantage of her. I explained why I had done so. I proceeded to explain to her that I was in a safe place and I was headed in a positive direction. I told her that I was skilled enough, intelligent enough to be able to make it on my own financially. If I were to ever call her with any kind of lavish story about why I needed money to not send it to me because I was going to spend it on drugs. Drugs which might ultimately lead to my death. I did all of this while having my therapist present, as well as being on speakerphone. That portion of my recovery lasted for approximately 100 days. After that hundred days I was able to keep my job, keep my apartment, utilities on, for about 3 months. Around that time is when I called her again asking for money. She gave me money. I don't know why I'm saying this. I know that there's programs out there there's Al-Anon. It's a group that holds meetings for parents and loved ones that deal with people in addiction in recovery. All I'm saying is from watching his videos, since I found his channel, he may or may not be from the streets but he is intelligent. She even eluded to thinking it was suspicious. It just made me angry the way he went about confronting her. I'm not sure how much fault he admitted to being his. And I know a lot of comments on here blame her for taking advantage of him. You just don't give that kind of freedom to someone who is an addiction or who is in early recovery. Early recovery is, I guess, a relative term. To some early recovery is a year to others it's three or even five or more years. I've been using drugs since high school. The opiates got a hold of me when I was 25. I would say I've been a an abuser of hard drugs for over 15 years. I'm back in recovery since June of last year. And I still don't trust myself with making the kind of money I was making before I relapsed. I'm perfectly comfortable making enough to get by for now. Believe you me I'm not holding myself back I just know myself. I understand my patterns. Until I feel comfortable that I've worked through some hardships, have healthy coping mechanisms and a strong recovery base. I'm happy with where I'm at today. I damn sure don't need $2,000 in a day. Unless someone's in my recovery is going with me to put a down payment on a vehicle for instance.

id: 563079 - Text: I've been down this road a couple times. I never give money anymore to help people for the reasons mentioned in the video. Amounts just got bigger, but change never came. People gotta help themselves first. What will happen now, is when she is down on her luck and she is in a pickle, she call Mark for help. I was rooting for her as I knew and helped similar people with not much success. Unfortunately, the odds of her making it are slim, however, I am really hoping she does!
