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id: 6633 - Text: Patrick, I've watched so many videos on Soft White's channel. I've always been able to relate to each and every addict's addiction but I've never related to them as a person. You're the first one I've watched and saw myself looking back. I'm a junkie but I didn't have some horrible childhood to blame it on. I had a wonderful childhood with amazing parents. I lost my virginity to rape, but like your encounter as a small child, I don't blame that on why I started using. I started because someone around me was doing it and they said it felt good and I wanted to feel good too. Your sexual preferences while high are not weird or unusual at all. There's no shame in wanting sex or oral and I don't think there should be a lot of shame around getting a prostitute if you aren't getting it in your life. For you though, you obviously know you can't go to prostitutes but only because it leads you right back to a stem. I pray for you and your sobriety and I also pray that you and Mark keep in touch so that I can hear how well you're doing in a year. I also want to see pictures of that beautiful family you're going to create on day. Your wife is going to be so blessed to be smothered with all the love you have to give. Geez, who's slicing onions right now?!? The tears are flowing! I love you where you're at. ♡ jenna

id: 6842 - Text:  @AnonymousSuperTuber  watch the video :)

id: 6845 - Text: Isn't he worried about his job now that he made this video

id: 6846 - Text: Id really like to see a update about him... 🥺.... I am a addict myself.. not crack but a addict non the less... I feel for him... fighting back the tears all through this video... Been clean for 5 years now

id: 6851 - Text: God he’s tweaking out in this video

id: 6878 - Text: I never comment on videos but this is so heartbreaking. As a 19 year old I am happy to be educated about drugs such as this so I can stay far far away from them.

id: 6886 - Text: "man I wonder how this video will affect my life ?" Brother I hope this video affects your life in the most positive and uplifting way possible.

id: 6898 - Text: As a 38yr man that grew up in the hood in the era when dope dealing, gangbanging, partying, skipping school, criminal activity was a hobby, I'm very glad to hear your opinion on the subject and wish you and your peers,the next generation of young minds success and the wisdom from watching the older generations fall,learning from our mistakes and the consequences of our decisions we made when we were growing up. Raised by music,peers, tv;rap videos promoting everything negative making money off selling dope and killing ourselves for popularity and power to get the bag of bling,the diamonds, the flashy cars,girls....what it didn't show was the real sacrifices of that friends, they family,unsafe or death,prison, lonely, life always at risk because they see you coming up, they will take it from you...your own people. The police always on your ass. If they legalize all of it and educated people on it,they would make better decisions, minimize the risks,change minds,become more responsible and make educated choices to use or not. Prohibition didn't stop alchohol. Drug war,hasn't been won,well...drugs won. It should be an open door to use or not,to get help or not,to change your life or not. No one should be able to tell you what you can or can't do to your own body. Family should support you and be there if you get stuck and need help too. Live life,u only have one.

id: 6916 - Text: I will also be showing my kids these videos once they're of age even at 26 years old I'm learning a lot from a very different world very educational indeed

id: 6927 - Text: don't let these videos make you become a square. Drugs can be a great part of one's life.
