58761 results for sex metiska onlyfans

id: 50489 - Text: if your watching this and think the sex trade is ok for girls your a fucking mess and screw feminism

id: 50502 - Text: The harsh part of her doing porn isn't her doing porn, its society's judgement of sex work. Thats what truly disgusts me.

id: 50519 - Text: Why would you take a picture of her naked like that? Just another example of her being sexualized. Very very sad. She is a beautiful girl. But so much more on the inside.

id: 50528 - Text: If you watch a lot of these video’s about people working in the “pleasure” sector, you can see a clear pattern, people who end up in that sector usually: don’t grow up with both parents, been victims of sexual abuse, or have been abused in general. I’m sad these kinds of things happen😔

id: 50529 - Text: When you do stuff in excess; sex, drugs, food, party's they ruin people.

id: 50563 - Text: NOW I AM SEEINg the bigger picture... TIS NOT HOW an ABUSED asks' for help. this channel is pimping slaves. SEX TRAFFICKING!!!!!!#WTF!! IM seeing it!!!

id: 50579 - Text: If that helps you feel better when you watch porn... sure. It takes a certain type of person to get into and stay in sex work and porn. That type is sexually abused, usually early childhood. Sex is what we know, it makes it easier but not without harm or without disrespect. She's just regurgitating what she's been told and made to believe.

id: 50598 - Text: You see this slot in porn. A lot of times it’s just that their sexuality is something they can control. They feel like this is how they can take charge of their body this way and it’s heartbreaking. Such an awful childhood she seems like she has a good head on her shoulders

id: 50706 - Text: As a mother of children older than her, I see a scared, confused, betrayed, lost, desperate yet beautiful, hopeful, gifted young woman that desperately needs someone whom will put Luna’s needs before their own wants & desires. Everyone needs to have someone in their life that they can trust to not see them as a resource, property, but to see them as a unique valuable precious gift. My mother was physically emotionally & financially abusive, yet I had no sexual abuse, nor was the other abuse as severe as Luna’s. If not for my Daddy, my grandmother, my church, my church family, and some incredibly encouraging, supportive and faithful friends, and most importantly my Jesus, I very well could have been Luna. My heart breaks for you Luna. You are of value. You are made in the image of a might loving God, that loves you enough to give his Son to die for you. You are just as important as anyone else. You are a survivor. You are stronger than you realize.

id: 50748 - Text: Its people who sexualized the photo that are the problem. She is beautiful and she is a person. The photo is like a piece of art that shows her beauty while at the same time you can see her whole story in her eyes and its captivating. Its brilliant.
