31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 563098 - Text: Mark you have such a huge heart, as a recovering heroin addict I applaud your patience, kindness, empathy, I have been subscribed since your first ever video and I’ve been watching since.You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make her drink

id: 563117 - Text: Wow. This was so disappointing. I’m really almost speechless. Her last video she looked so good, and was practically glowing. This video she looked broken again…unfortunately it’s her own fault. Sad for her kids though the most. And she doesn’t “deserve” this but she literally chose it. Wow.

id: 563159 - Text: I “liked” this video for the support but it does make me sad. Hard to watch.

id: 563183 - Text: She looks like she using again too , 3 bands , all of it went to her BF , and Mark seems to be making excuses for her. Not a good situation or continuation of her story , sad to see , but this is people . They need to help themselves, and some are just wired up to live the way they are accustomed too not the way that they want too. She doesnt look sad but upset she has to do this video to continue her relationship with Mark i.e her piggy bank, hope thats not the case , but she needs to be accountable, over here laid out for weeks with a some dude and spending some other dudes money, where the kids? Shit sad

id: 563187 - Text: Oh wow, as a drug addict and young mother of boys I was really rooting for her. The last video she seem to be doing so well and really giving it a try at a new life with her boys.. but I get it, it took me 15-20 years to get my shit together.. and only because I was ready, I was finally ready to hit rock bottom and then climb back out all by myself. I too had people try to help me and save me, not nearly as much as what you did, but I did exactly what she did. It just became another hustle. She’ll get there one day if she stays alive. The pain in marks voice in the beginning hurt me .. but I could also hear and feel the compassion and empathy come back towards the middle and end. I would definitely cut her loose. Just know you at least planted a seed with her. She knows there is another way, she knows she can get out of that lifestyle if she really wants to, she knows her sons deserve better, she knows there are good people out in the world willing to help a complete stranger, and she knows you now. You tried and did all you could do. She has to save herself. And look at the kind of guy she’s choosing over her boys. I’ve made that mistake in the past and I have redeemed myself and I would never do that again. My boys are my everything. Mark, I wouldnt recommend giving these people so much money at a time. That’s a drug in itself. Someone else suggested maybe put it towards mental health and addiction services. Or maybe savings accounts for their children. Anything and everything is better than giving an addict/prostitute that much money to do with it what she well with no supervision. Please do not stop doing what you do but please learn from your mistakes and do better next time and maybe you’ll get to see the results that you planned for. I hope you have an amazing beautiful fulfilling productive perfect new year of 2022.

id: 563195 - Text: Man oh man. The first video I saw so much potential in this young lady and breakthrough, which I still believe can happen but I’m a little shocked. I think she’s afraid and maybe stuck because of the exposure; however you have to be careful. I’m currently studying to be a psychologist and I’ve learned about manipulation and the depths of it so far, behavioral complexities, and more. It’s really amazing when the recipient is a victim and still gives the benefit of the doubt and emotional support with out coherent boundaries. I pray all will be well but you can’t fix or save anyone. Maybe I’m babbling, but my heart aches because it was such a great cause. Anyways, keep up the good work Mark. ❤️God bless.

id: 563201 - Text: This is really sad, I remember watching the 1st interview and thinking "god I hope this woman gets some help and starts to live the life she wants." I went back and looked at the photo for that video and you can see a kind of light in her eyes like she's somewhat happy. This video she has the look of absolute nothing. She shows no emotion at all. She barely speaks. It's really sad that there's pimps on the street but the police would rather go after drug dealers. Pimping needs to stop being looked at romantically. Pimping is for weak ass men who couldn't can't do shit on their own.

id: 563210 - Text: Bro. I watched the first video and was kind of bind blown by it tbh. This follow up vid. 11hrs after post-221k views?! Like for real? That blows my mind as well! Wow

id: 563212 - Text: Yes. She’s worse off than the first video… it’s so sad.

id: 563232 - Text: $300-400 A DAY? And then later on you said thousands! A car, an apartment... What are you doing? No mother needs hundreds or thousands of dollars a day to take care of her children. And you put yourself in harm's way. The Crips no less. Those people are ruthless. They will kill in the blink of an eye. One second you are talking and the is amazing how quickly it happens. The gang was obviously taking your money and doing who knows what with it. It is possible that they were playing you from day one. They groomed her. They saw your videos and engineered the whole thing. But I am a cynic. I hope I am wrong about that. I fully admit that I do not know your entire history of helping people. Mainly because you do things that most of us don't know about. But is it normal for you to give hundreds, even thousands of dollars a day to people? This is only one person. How many more, I wonder. It must add up to a lot. It's not my business to ask how you have so much money to give away, and I am not asking, but if you want to give some more away... I am on your side Mark. The world needs you, it needs people like you. A lot of them. I know a man who helped a young couple, gave them a place and everything and got royally screwed over, yet he did it again anyway. I have a lot of respect for that. I do respect you. This time you were taken for a fool. It's a royal fvck up. I'm sorry.
