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id: 518078 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional.

id: 518080 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional….

id: 518102 - Text: @Mr Cheezie. In regards to why in lingerie: in the “Thai Prostitute Interview-Paris” it shows a whole mall of girls running around and dancing in lingerie at a sex club place called Nana Plaza and that’s where Mark found them to do an interview. Just fyi.

id: 518106 - Text: ​ @Nightmareman69  Thai people do not judge or discriminate each other over their sexuality/ gender, trans are seen as a third gender. You sound sad inside and ignorant lol

id: 518122 - Text:  @ohtebowah  Go on with your transphobia. They are doing fine and are going to continue on doing what they are doing supporting themselves and their families regardless of how you feel about it. They could go back to the hotel industry if they wanted to do that. They don't. Sex work is work, trans people are people, and the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

id: 518138 - Text: Some of that maybr true( at times )But remember this is Sex for money and these ain't all Ho's with a Heart' .When 'yer man' is interviewing,naturally their going to do their best to put on a show( their best side) and this is an opportunity for them to audition&give their best performance possible! And they know how to hussle,it's an necessary occupational skill & hazard!

id: 518141 - Text:  @jerryoshea3116  Absolutely! Unless they are renowned experts, most people giving interviews about their jobs are going to be in their work persona, to a great extent. I think people tend to imagine that, since they are not bound by the rules of “polite society,” sex industry providers are completely independent. In fact, there is a society around The Life, in the U.S. (meaning street-based prostitution), there’s a movement around Sex Work or whatever term is preferred. Each setting has a subculture…clubs, houses, streetwalking, legal brothels, camming, etc. Each one of those settings has a hierarchy and workplace culture with rules, norms, and expectations. Even when women work independently, they are still (to a greater or lesser extent) a part of these subcultures. They are also industry subcultures, unlike music subcultures that are based in self-expression. When you represent The Life in an interview, you represent the industry and there will be people who approve or disapprove. A lot of women “prefer not to say” if they have a pimp, not just the ones who do but the ones who don’t. If they do, that’s possibly dry snitching. If street workers don’t, they are breaking a rule, in the subculture. If nothing else, their customers and potential customers will see it so it’s not always wise to say you hate the sex, or you like sex with your man but don’t enjoy it with your dates, etc. It’s an easy throwaway line to say you like sex so you’re in the right job. After all, how many people don’t like sex? On the other hand, you shouldn’t assume people are brainwashed. I really did enjoy being able to help heal sexual stigma, as a sex trade worker. I really did learn to take everyone as an individual, and like helping them with personal problems. Some do enjoy the sex with certain clients. Some don’t enjoy sex with random people, or if money is involved. It’s analogous to the myth that poor and homeless people are “free.” Anyone else remember Mr. Wendel (90s song)? I knew a woman who had lived in homeless shelters for 6 years, waiting for housing. There are a lot of rules in homeless shelters and programs, like if you stay a night anywhere else you can’t come back. I don’t think I was ever more bored and constrained than when I was homeless. Anyway…ho’s are not “wild,” in the sense that we live in a world of our own making, even though some set their own hours and prices. And that is certainly not a given. We could refuse to see someone at a house but if we only said yes when we were attracted to someone, we wouldn’t last a day. You do have to read between the lines, but not too far. And there are sex work hobbyists, too…weekend warriors.

id: 518151 - Text:  @avtecAF Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips purchase sex with prostitutes and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless.

id: 518158 - Text: Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional.

id: 518165 - Text:  @imani_malik_l9939  Sexual tourism is a thing. A lot of married men on business trips cheat on their wives and betray their marriage vows by fucking prostitutes like this and bring home diseases. Their wives are clueless. It’s sad. People who say “they’re not hurting anyone” are delusional.
