31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 563352 - Text: She is absolutely scared to death. It’s really scary to watch. She had such a glimmer to her in the previous videos. I hope she remains okay… scary situation.

id: 563361 - Text: In a lot of videos Mark you say you can’t make yourself a victim and blame everyone else and then here you’re blaming the whole world for them...I don’t get it. SMH

id: 563382 - Text: I don't think anyone is controlling did the dude know her new address? Cuz from her last video, she had moved "far" away from skid row.... She brought him in!!! I doubt she's ready to change or improve the lives of her kids.... It's just really sad!!!

id: 563402 - Text: Why did Fly even agree to do his part of this video? He is absolutely untrustworthy and will never change. She is trapped with no hope in sight. Time to move on.

id: 563452 - Text: Mark, I sincerely apologize for what has happened in this situation. I can only imagine how betrayed and hurt you feel. In the previous videos I could tell how much you care not only for her, but also for her children. It is not hard to see that you have a big heart and genuinely want to help people. Although this woman was not able to accept your help, I can assure you that you have helped each and every one of your viewers. You have broken down the walls and barriers to educate us on what it’s really like to live in these types of situations. You have destigmatized addiction, mental health, and poverty with your videos. We are so appreciative.

id: 563453 - Text: Mark you have gone above and beyond. Let her go. She doesn’t appreciate your help. I also noticed that she had the money to get more face tattoos. How many people get second chances and then blow it?? She is not denying it. She’s is unappreciative so let her go. Very sad. I’m sorry. This video really pissed me off. I should say the SHE pissed me off! Gimme gimme gimme! She was using you. Smh

id: 563521 - Text: She's so closed off compared to her last two videos. It's difficult to not be angry at her though, when she genuinely had such help from a genuine caring individual. I feel awful for both Mark and for Asriah. Such a heart breaking situation.

id: 563541 - Text: The premise of this video is so wrong. You cannot move someone and expect them to change by the of help one person, she needed complete wrap around support from community services and the police. When she moved to a new place with the kids, was she receiving any other support? Mental health support in particular, or support from the police? Putting someone’s life so openly online when they are broken and trying to mend is wrong and I can see how damaging this experience could be.

id: 563549 - Text: $300 a DAY! Dayum can I get a video for having social anxiety?! Lol

id: 563569 - Text: She actually sounded smart in the first 2 videos, now she's just there. Not saying much, probably scared.
