31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 563573 - Text: Is the guy doing these videos safe? He's putting himself in the bite.

id: 563575 - Text: Look for Jerry's video, although he was not on drugs. Check for a video with Beautiful, and the video's of Amanda. And ofcourse Rita! 💃🏽

id: 563599 - Text: Most of his video's are demonitized because of the mature content. He never makes more, not even close, than what he spents on this project.

id: 563618 - Text: Wah you got played and she is doing what she needs to do. It’s almost halfway into the video when she speaks. This is not her story. This is his hurt savior complex.

id: 563638 - Text: God bless you Mark hope this makes you stronger! Amazing video! Not everyone wants help or is there time to change! You can only do so much! You're a angel Mark! Love that your from my hometown Chicago! Huge fan love your videos!

id: 563659 - Text: In the second video you already saw on her reactions that it will go in this direction…

id: 563666 - Text: While watching the previous video's I felt with the hope you gave her for a better life the pressure on her. I remember thinking I hope she can fulfill your expectations that from now on she would live a better life. She is been living like this since a child, she doesn't know anything else. I really feel for you, you try really hard and you do an amazing job with your channel to make people understand and be less judgmental I think. It must be hard for you to see she failed you but she failed herself. She fell back into the trap. She needs to see for herself her potential that we all see in her. She needs to believe in herself like you did in her.

id: 563673 - Text: It sucks because i had hope for Asriah, i just watched the 2nd video and she said was scared about adapting to the new life but man this video saddens me, i know the trauma, broken home, drugs and gang life and her pimps mind control goes into it but man i hope she just runs away or something man and be legit done with that life and reach out to Mark for help yo😓😫 but bless him for getting her a car and a place but she burned that bridge im sure he probably would talk to her on phone still and leave it at that but dammit Asriah GET OUT FIRST CHANCE YOU GET!! Lastly, idk if she wasn't remorseful because her pimp there or what, id like to believe that she'd feel sorry and apologize

id: 563703 - Text: I literally almost threw up when the pipsqueak pimp said he’s trying to get her out of it but rarely money MIGHT go towards her but it DEPENDS what it is😂 I get the ppl saying fathers love your daughters or they end up like this etc BUT THATS AN EXCUSE NONE OF MY SISTERS AND I HAD A FATHER AND WERE DOING GREAT AND ALL LIVE NORMAL HAPPY LIVES. My younger sister is on her 3rd yr in college, older sister is married 2 beautiful kids and is independent and also works 2 sometimes more jobs..&& I HAVE MY OWN BUSINESS & am in real-estate. Also I was in a situation like her not gang related but I had a leach of a bf who brainwashed me from 17-22 guess what? I finally realized & WANTED a better life so I made it happen. I moved in w/family changed my number then built my way up. She just doesn’t want it. Yeah she might not love herself whatever I admit I fell down and went back to my x but when you do go back YOU KNOW & realize what’s going on atp you choose it so like I said I CHOSE that I made a horrible mistake & had to start from scratch but haven’t went back. If I had kids I would N E V E R!!!! My cousin is just like this female & is currently in prison having my 70+ yr old gparents raise her 8 month old daughter so I know alll about this everyone repeatedly tried to help her & gave her chance after chance. Some ppl will just constantly take take take & try to get what they can get. Btw my cousin had a normal life, definitely better than my siblings and I. My bad for the rant but I can’t stand ppl like this. They might not ever wake up or if they do it’ll be too late so I love that he tried to help but he knew damn well the 2 bands a day was BS. He constantly says he’s done this a lot but wants ppl to feel bad for him when he acts blind or stupid to what their doing. Also it was very sketch the way he said she was intimate w/him arnt you.. plus just randomly threw in they had a miscarriage. Yeah I feel he is helping these ppl but I don’t know how nor trust him (mark) bc from this video it seemed HE WAS BEING intimate with her just by his attitude, how he spoke &what he said. He knew damn well she was using him but was probably hooking up w/her so let it go for a while till he found out ole dude had moved in lol. Anyways stay safe everyone

id: 563731 - Text: The second video was awesome and we all felt that things will turn around Unfortunately folks live for today the now and no forward thinking Looks fade with time and as a ‘money making asset’ she’ll have tougher times ahead.. kudos Mark and stay safe , keep the great content coming another cracking Vid!
