31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 563760 - Text: I feel so bad for both of them, from the previous video, left alone at 2 months, and obviously not being cared for by DCS, surely a 2 month old can be cared for and lead into a positive future if the system is sound, such a shame 23 years ago she wasn’t nurtured in a way an innocent baby deserves. The hustle is the only life she knows, like she seems to know right from wrong, but just can’t break habits and get out from under the influence which probably saved her life 10 years ago, and she possibly still believes being under these pimps and in their community is protecting her, although it’s possibly going to kill her one day. I hope she grows up and can break the cycle for her kids. So sad that people feel they have the right to oppress others. That is the true root of all the poverty and conflict across earth. And Mark, such a good soul, raising awareness and trying to help people, but he’s up against a massive road block, the endless years of trauma for Asriah & throughout society is a tough one to break. I hope he and all who support his plight keep trying, lives will be saved by the good being done here, hopefully even Asriah’s or her kids lives one day.

id: 563764 - Text: First and second video, I knew shawty was on game

id: 563766 - Text: Broke my heart. The other videos had me believing she could make it. Poor girl. She looked defeated and he’s going to make sure his life is fine as he sucks her life away. Makes me sad to be a human.

id: 563781 - Text: Mark I hate to see this. You have to understand these people are hustlers that's what they do for a living. You cannot put yourself in that situation they will take advantage of you every time. You're not going to find one that won't take advantage of you. I hope you learned your lesson. But it does make for good content hopefully this video will pay for the money you lost.

id: 563804 - Text: I love your videos, I love what you stand for. But 1k a day ??

id: 563816 - Text: Mark , this is sad to see and hear . I’ve only been part of your YouTube for approximately 4 mths and this beautiful woman was the first video I watched and feel in love with her and your channel . She is beautiful and like you said has so much potential ! I showed my husband her second video . I don’t know her and was so proud of her and you . I hope she can find the light and happiness in her heart to leave this life . I’m a federal correctional officer and these stories touch my soul and help my understand the misunderstood . Thank you for that ! And keep up the amazing work 😍

id: 563827 - Text: A Lepard does not change there spots you can not save the world your money would be better spent on someone more deserving The world would be a better place without both of these pieces of trash!!!!! P.s. the miscarriage was the best. News of this whole video we are responsible for our own actions what they do is no one's fault it is there's for not making the change when you TRIED to help her and her kids this is on them and when this life is over they will answer for there actions

id: 563835 - Text: Isn’t this the same girl that was crying over her kids last video? Smh. She only cares about herself.

id: 563842 - Text: I think sometimes if a person's life is full of pimps, hoes, tricks, and gangsters, they automatically put every person in one of those categories. Hoes get to the money, pimps take money from hoes, gangsters do gangster sh!t (crime), and tricks give up money. My guess is, as soon as Mark gave up some money, her hoe instincts put him in the trick category. From there on it was a wrap. Her pimp said get that money, maybe they thought because Mark wasn't in the game they could treat him like a sucker. Maybe even happy she can get money and not have to break him off any. It don't take a genius to see Mark's pimping these videos, and the audience is most like the trick. If her pimp had more game he'd have recognized what's really happening here, and plotted and planned on how to flip this situation into some legit money. Which a real pimp knows the value of. My opinion anyway.

id: 563899 - Text: Regret is written all over her face, she wants to speak, but she can't, she is afraid to. Mark, you are a beautiful soul. Please protect your heart and the energy that you give to others. You are making a huge difference in this world one video at a time. Asriah, you are a beautiful, POWERFUL young woman, don't give up, believe in yourself, you CAN change your life for the better. FORGIVE yourself!!! BELIEVE in yourself!!! FORGET what others have told you you are!! Big change takes time, nothing happens over night. Keep pushing forward! YOU CAN!!!!
