31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 563900 - Text: The more I listen to this video, the more it becomes clear: Marc has lost all objectivity and is far too involved in the outcome of his attempts to help someone who is, basically, a complete stranger. Marc: you can only attempt to influence the lives of other people, you can't guarantee an outcome. It's clear that what's happening right now is unhealthy for a lot of reasons: you have a sense of ownership of the money you are giving to a complete stranger (e.g. the claim that you are paying for the apartment therefore you have a right to use the washroom). You're much too close to this issue and you need to back away. It used to be documentary videos, now it's raising money, getting closely involved with some of your subjects... you've crossed over from observer to participant, and that is entirely unhealthy for everyone involved. Please do reach out to poverty organizations and ask them for guidance on how to help people exit poverty or exit poor circumstances effectively. Throwing money at the problem is rarely the solution; often the biggest thing that helps is simply being a friend who listens. It's clear this situation has gone well off the rails and you need to regain objectivity and un-insert yourself from Asriah's life. If you were family it would be another story, but this young woman needs to make her own way through this world and that can't be stewarded or managed by a complete stranger. Be careful for yourself, and be careful for Asriah.

id: 563915 - Text: I agree with you...but I think he felt obligated to help her beyond the norm because of the GoFundMe donations that probably amounted to a lot, and her videos are the most viewed on his channel.... perhaps a better way he could've handled the money was to start a trust fund for her kids.

id: 563924 - Text: I don't agree with you at all,his help doesn't stop after the video ends ,she could have made the difference in her life and did the correct thing with the money and assistance he offered ,CHOICES,FORK in the road etc

id: 563938 - Text: Incredibly sad how the street and gang life can hold your soul hostage. I genuinely believe she wanted to change in the second video. You could see a light shining from her personality in that video. She looked cold n numb in this 3rd video. At one point looked over at her pimp in a way of like she didn't want to be there and was upset that she's back in her old situation. I mean look what she said in her previous video. She said she went out on her own to make the full profits prostituting instead of having a pimp that hardly gave her any profits. You really think she wants to be with this pimp that's taking her freedom away and all the free donation money that she didn't have to sleep with anyone for? I don't think so. I think they went after her and she doesn't know how to get away. I don't think she went back to square one because she wants to. I think the exposure of her story and hope she had in these videos brought the streets back looking for her. She should ask Mark to help get her into witness protection hiding to give her a real change. Unless she really wants to be there.

id: 563939 - Text: You can hear the heartbreak and disappointment in Mark's voice. A lot of us who were rooting for her feel that way I think. In this moment captured by the video, her expressions and body language communicate that she's not sorry, she's closed off, and even like a smirk or like she's trying not to grin. Heartbreaking. I don't know your journey Asriah, but I hope you find the path in life you're happy with. You're worth more, don't believe anything else. Wish you the best.

id: 564000 - Text: Mark - last week when I ran into you in Santa Monica near where this occurred, where the car was stolen, I could tell something was off. (I still fanned out meeting you though). Iā€™m wishing everyone in this video clarity and insight and also am praying for the children so that they can be rescued. If homegirl is on fig, say some words of encouragement to her.

id: 564005 - Text: Disliked video as this is do sad to watch but raises awareness šŸ˜¢

id: 564011 - Text: What a roller coaster ride of emotions are these 3 videos

id: 564037 - Text: Mark, as a clinical social worker for the past 20 years, I see you learning the hard way what I learned in grad school and my career.....You Cannot Save Anyone. People have to save themselves. Expecting someone who's only family/belonging have been the street/gangs/pimps/drugs to just drop it all and not look back is sadly unrealistic. Change is incremental. You mentioned in the beginning of the video "my (Mark's) plan..." Social workers are taught that unless people make their Own plans, based on their Own goals, they will not have the buy-in to work towards them. You can't impose goals on people. Especially chronically traumatized people. This woman is NOT a hustler or a snake, she is a survivor. Not one of us can judge how she has managed to survive up to this point. I wish her nothing but the best, and I hope very hard for better for her children.

id: 564040 - Text: More than an hour ago, I wrote a harsher comment under this video (which I will now remove)... But I cannot stop thinking about this... I think I was too harsh. Who am I to judge this woman? Nobody knows what she has hidden deep inside her soul... Maybe she wants to change her life for the better for real, but her initial conditioning would not let her. There are too many parties involved, it is not that easy to get out of such situations.... Again, I am so sorry for this, Mark šŸ’”... You can hear your broken heart in this interview... I really hope somehow she finds her way and also, you, Mark please take care. You are one good person for trying to help her.
