31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 564048 - Text: It’s crazy how all of us following her story had such high hopes for her. In the second video it seemed like everything was going really good for her! But you know what they say… if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.

id: 564057 - Text: Thank u. All I see in the comments are ppl bashing her and whatnot, like we all haven’t watched the same 2 videos before. It takes numerous trys for a person like her to turn her life around and drop the streets, that doesn’t happen in just one try.

id: 564076 - Text: I have a few thoughts after watching this. First, I want to note that I have only watched this girls videos, not any of the others, so this next statement is based on limited knowledge of this channel. I feel that asking people to donate to fund this cause is a bit reckless, assuming that he is not a professional and seems to lack ability to control funds being spent (given out in excessive increments and not knowing how some of the money is being spent). Second, It is absolutely noble of him to have compassion for others and to offer opportunity for self betterment, however, it’s really important to understand that not everyone can be “saved”, particularly in the way you deem to be the appropriate way to be saved. Some people do have a saviour complex, where you place expectations on others that their situation/life doesn’t match societal standards, so you swoop in to help someone down and out to bring them up to where you think they should be, but this is problematic. Probably to me and you reading this, her lifestyle is not something we could ever live to understand, it’s just a story on a screen, but for her she has a lifetime of trauma and lived abuse. I don’t mean to imply this man is like this, but I do think many people who are empathetic individuals can lean towards this, even unknowingly.

id: 564110 - Text: As a Social Worker, you didn't find anything predatory about this video?? This dudes a creep with a capital C

id: 564115 - Text: Thanks for writing this. I hope Mark reads this and learns because you can see that his heart is in the right place, he is motivated and he is willing to walk through the mud with people. However, he doesn't really know what he is doing, is becoming emotionally invested and is letting that emotion drive his support full of expectations. The one thing I'm particularly worried about though is the way these interviews change as Mark follows up with his interviewees. He inserts himself into their life and starts telling the story for them, diminishing their voice. The patterns of an imbalance in power in their relationships is being replicated and it can't help them. In this video in particular, he has set Exotic up to fail with a huge amount of money, driven by his obvious emotional connection to her and then once realising he's been outhustled, publicly shamed her, exercising his power throughout. This was really hard to watch as people who work with vulnerable people, we learn these basics before we ever get to our first interaction and the power relationship is something we struggle with on a daily basis.

id: 564117 - Text: THANK YOU! This channel has value because it’s broadening peoples awareness of these stories, but OMG the creator is absolutely not a trained social worker or psychologist and it shows. Clients need to create their own recovery plans and each step needs to be small enough to be achievable. Trying to pull someone out of everything about their life cold turkey and expecting it to work is totally unrealistic, no matter how much money you throw at them. She is a survivor, and her actions absolutely make sense given what she said from the very first video: she knows not to trust anyone, including the seemingly nice man asking her to be vulnerable for the camera, because she knows that he is also using her for his own gain in a way.

id: 564122 - Text:  @jq481  people like you will do meaningless shit like collect bitcoins and NFTS just to get money (another meaning less piece of paper) than to get a career that actually contributes to the well-being of society. Not every one cares about making 200k a year some people just wanna help others and contribute to a better society lol. Although there are many things wrong with our system social workers do their best and contribute their lives to the well beings of others. I bet the last time you did something good for someone else was a real long time ago lol. I’d suggest to get that Ronald Reagan administration propaganda out of your head and go get some real information on addiction and violence. Google scholar is free and there’s plenty of videos on this app that can help you in understanding some research articles.

id: 564143 - Text:  @_BangDroid_  dude exactly, I was just thinking about how she was so proud of herself in the first video that she no longer had a pimp. For her that was a big milestone and a step in the right direction. She had the mindset to get out of that life eventually, but then Mark came into her life and wanted to rush the whole process. He seemed like he was desperate for a success story even in his comments.

id: 564145 - Text: Good comment. People are claiming this is a hustle. I think she seemed totally sincere and off drugs in the second video. She was clearly back on them and beholden to the pimp in the second video. She's messed up. Messed up people do contradictory things.

id: 564153 - Text:  @stellak8730  I felt the same way. I felt like mark should not have made a video out of it. It puts him up on a pedestal and her down getting reprimanded which is basically in her mind another pimp handling the money for her. Granted it's donated money and it's kind of Mark to help and the donators but she doesn't see it that way. She twists it into now mark is yanking my chain and scolding me like a child. I felt she was more angry than ashamed. It's a vast bridge between two worlds. It shouldn't have been a scolding on marks part like he's her dad but a face to face adult to adult with no projection of disappointment but and to have better communication in the first place. And talk about what will happen if trust is broken. Trust is the key. I believe two people from two different worlds can establish trust. Like talk about ahead of time the different scenarios if something should go awry. Come at it as an equal. I felt there was some undercurrent of power play. And what does he think thousands of dollars is going to. It's almost like he inadvertently set her up for failure. And she sees that more than him yet she gets scolded for it.
