31703 results for video metiska onlyfans

id: 564384 - Text: Marc said something very peculiar. He was discussing why they might not have had opportunity and Marc mentioned that "maybe the rich didn't share their wealth". The irony in that statement is so sad seeing as how he shared with them so much money and no good came from it.(meaning she's still stuck) Money doesn't fix anything in a vacuum. People like this need help on a different level that money can't be on. Otherwise, enjoyed the video for sure. 👍🏼

id: 564385 - Text: I think Mark is a great judge of character and skilled at making good decisions on what clients he doles money and perks. This was an epic fail that Mark should have shut down long before 1000s were handed out (cash no less). I really mistakes happen and no one can truly predict outcome/rehab. However, this is clearly obvious. I have subscribed to Mark's private channel for monthly fee. I have seen one video that is/was supposedly for members only. Just browsed by it ladt night on open YouTube. Rethinking my monthly subscription and while I know Mark will never miss it, it could have bought a pair of socks or boxers. Just needed to say this. Be really mindful when you are getting f###ed over by the best cons in the world. I still love you Mark.

id: 564395 - Text: I think your money went to Flys suit. Unfortunately they are in it to deep very hard to help. It's systematic. But your videos are very important so thank you.

id: 564403 - Text: Where is Mark to help me?!?!?! Because these videos have become popular, Mark should recognize as he said "he's a money magnet" ... Moreover, GET OUT YOUR FEELINGS, it's "the streets"!!!

id: 564405 - Text: First off,I'm beyond sorry for your loss. When i watched your first interview it was titled 'Prostitute-Exotic' and I remember thinking "Damn I wish I knew her real name". I don't know why I felt a connection to you, I don't know why I wanted you to be safe, I don't know why I wanted you to kick the addiction and just thrive in life. I just really wanted you to find happiness. When I watched the 1st update video and saw that your name was Asriah I thought it was a beautiful name and I kept smiling all the while I watched. I even told my sister about your story and how I hoped you'd be well. Seeing this particular update kinda hurts tbh. I'm actually quite sad. I know you tried Asriah and I'm honestly still rooting for you. I hope you stay healthy, I really hope you get to be with your boys and I genuinely pray you find happiness with someone who wouldn't hesitate and be proud to say 'Yes, this is my girlfriend Asriah, she's an amazing woman, an amazing mother and I fucking love her'. You deserve good things. Once again I'm really sorry for your loss.

id: 564408 - Text: I dont think making this video was good. For Asriah i mean. She already feels very bad about herself. For the people saying she doesnt feel remorse: im almost complitely sure it’s the exact opposite. She’s silent because she’s ashamed. She does feel remorse, a lot of it. More than what could be put into words. She doesnt think apologising is enough. I dont think she doesnt care. I dont think she is faking or was faking when she said she wanted a new life. I dont think she was not feeling grateful to Marc. So yeah, she’s not proud of her step back. Making an interview out of it and showing it on youtube is decreasing her self-esteem even more, like a punishment. And I’m not sure she should be punished. It’s counter-productive. On the other hand: it is an interesting video. Especially for the people who donated the money and want to have an update on her situation. But do those people DESERVE an update? Just because they donated the money? Its up for debate, i dont personally think so but im not sure. Either way: man it’s tough.

id: 564410 - Text: This is so sad but so common for people that have been traumatized like this. The last video showed Asriah braking down about having no 'family'. This realization often leads to the surfacing of painful memories and flashbacks which are so unbelievably overwhelming that relapse is to be expected. This kind trauma causes brain damage and takes years to correct...the brain seeks comfort and emotional regulation. When all you have known and used to do that are dysfunctional and negative consequence coping mechanisms it makes recovery really difficult. My heart goes out to both Asriah and Mark. Nobody is winning in this game and everyone loses something for sure. The mind control is so powerful. It literally dictates both conscious and subconscious patterns/behaviors. Sex is one of the predominate re-attachment methods that is used by pimps because it feels like the love/acceptance that is so desperately missing...for both of them...

id: 564421 - Text: I’m not even disappointed really, watching all these videos you realize how much of a completely different world these people live in. Just as I can understand why it isn’t easy for people stuck in a cult to just get up and walk away, it’s equally difficult and complicated in situations like these too. This is ~all~ they know. And often times they know very little. She’s been failed by her family, society, the system etc etc and now unfortunately she’s continuing the cycle, and failing herself. But with that said never lose hope. There was something in her that wanted to change, recovery isn’t a straight line. I’m not losing hope in her.

id: 564428 - Text: And this is why there should not be single go fund me accounts, her video is literally one of the most viewed so many people wanting to help and to know where all the money would have ended up…

id: 564452 - Text: Not surprised. Saw this coming. I was confused as to why out of all the people he’s interviewed, hers got the reaction it did and garnered everyone’s support. I couldn’t finish watching the first video or the rest because i could feel the insincerity and only had to look at this thumbnail to know the other shoe had dropped. I feel bad for Mark and this is a lesson to no longer take words at face value and doing much more research before a penny is given. She had a chance and she chose her pimp. She chose the control and like someone said, her lack of not just words but her lack of emotion said everything. Not one tear or an I’m sorry. Best of luck to her.
